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Sales Data NOT making Sense!!

Starting October we understand that all transaction are being differed as according to amazon policy

But the sales transaction and the differed data are not making sense at all!!!

Does any one has any method in this?

Would be appreciate if someone could guide us on this

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Tags:Cancelled order, Chargebacks, FBA, Fulfillment
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Sales Data NOT making Sense!!

Starting October we understand that all transaction are being differed as according to amazon policy

But the sales transaction and the differed data are not making sense at all!!!

Does any one has any method in this?

Would be appreciate if someone could guide us on this

Tags:Cancelled order, Chargebacks, FBA, Fulfillment
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Hello @Seller_sUCPPgZ4lnYXh

Christine here from Amazon Forums.

Amazon implemented a new policy in October 2023 where certain transactions are deferred and not immediately reflected in your sales reports.

The goal of this policy is to allow Amazon more time to assess and resolve any potential issues with orders before finalizing the transaction.

The deferred data is meant to provide a more accurate representation of your true sales and earnings over time.

To make sense of the discrepancies, you'll need to closely monitor both your sales transactions and the deferred data over time.

Look for patterns and trends, and compare the two datasets to identify any consistent differences.

This will help you understand how the deferred policy is impacting your reporting and financial reconciliation.

If you're still struggling to reconcile the data, consider reaching out to our Amazon Seller Support for guidance.


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Sales Data NOT making Sense!!

Starting October we understand that all transaction are being differed as according to amazon policy

But the sales transaction and the differed data are not making sense at all!!!

Does any one has any method in this?

Would be appreciate if someone could guide us on this

1 reply
Tags:Cancelled order, Chargebacks, FBA, Fulfillment
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Sales Data NOT making Sense!!

Starting October we understand that all transaction are being differed as according to amazon policy

But the sales transaction and the differed data are not making sense at all!!!

Does any one has any method in this?

Would be appreciate if someone could guide us on this

Tags:Cancelled order, Chargebacks, FBA, Fulfillment
1 reply
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Sales Data NOT making Sense!!

by Seller_sUCPPgZ4lnYXh

Starting October we understand that all transaction are being differed as according to amazon policy

But the sales transaction and the differed data are not making sense at all!!!

Does any one has any method in this?

Would be appreciate if someone could guide us on this

Tags:Cancelled order, Chargebacks, FBA, Fulfillment
1 reply
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Hello @Seller_sUCPPgZ4lnYXh

Christine here from Amazon Forums.

Amazon implemented a new policy in October 2023 where certain transactions are deferred and not immediately reflected in your sales reports.

The goal of this policy is to allow Amazon more time to assess and resolve any potential issues with orders before finalizing the transaction.

The deferred data is meant to provide a more accurate representation of your true sales and earnings over time.

To make sense of the discrepancies, you'll need to closely monitor both your sales transactions and the deferred data over time.

Look for patterns and trends, and compare the two datasets to identify any consistent differences.

This will help you understand how the deferred policy is impacting your reporting and financial reconciliation.

If you're still struggling to reconcile the data, consider reaching out to our Amazon Seller Support for guidance.


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Hello @Seller_sUCPPgZ4lnYXh

Christine here from Amazon Forums.

Amazon implemented a new policy in October 2023 where certain transactions are deferred and not immediately reflected in your sales reports.

The goal of this policy is to allow Amazon more time to assess and resolve any potential issues with orders before finalizing the transaction.

The deferred data is meant to provide a more accurate representation of your true sales and earnings over time.

To make sense of the discrepancies, you'll need to closely monitor both your sales transactions and the deferred data over time.

Look for patterns and trends, and compare the two datasets to identify any consistent differences.

This will help you understand how the deferred policy is impacting your reporting and financial reconciliation.

If you're still struggling to reconcile the data, consider reaching out to our Amazon Seller Support for guidance.


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Hello @Seller_sUCPPgZ4lnYXh

Christine here from Amazon Forums.

Amazon implemented a new policy in October 2023 where certain transactions are deferred and not immediately reflected in your sales reports.

The goal of this policy is to allow Amazon more time to assess and resolve any potential issues with orders before finalizing the transaction.

The deferred data is meant to provide a more accurate representation of your true sales and earnings over time.

To make sense of the discrepancies, you'll need to closely monitor both your sales transactions and the deferred data over time.

Look for patterns and trends, and compare the two datasets to identify any consistent differences.

This will help you understand how the deferred policy is impacting your reporting and financial reconciliation.

If you're still struggling to reconcile the data, consider reaching out to our Amazon Seller Support for guidance.


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