Prime shipping template
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Prime shipping template

Is there a simple way to identify SKUs assigned to Prime shipping template? I can't find any other way to disable the 2nd day option from Prime orders except to change the shipping template for every listing. I've spent 3 days trying to fix this issue without success. Seller support doesn't have a clue about how to disable the 2nd day option. Every prime order I receive asks for 2nd day delivery and the shipping cost is killing me.

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Hey @Seller_a3dZIXYofzccZ, I apologize in advance for the lengthy comment, but I will try to list all of your options.

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Is there a simple way to identify SKUs assigned to Prime shipping template?
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In Manage All Inventory, the shipping template name displays in the Price and shipping cost column for each SKU, underneath the price.

  1. Select a SKU.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Scroll down the Offer tab to find Merchant Shipping Group field, where you can check or change the shipping template assigned to the SKU.

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I can't find any other way to disable the 2nd day option from Prime orders except to change the shipping template for every listing
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Use feeds for bulk changes:

  • Excel feed: The Inventory Loader has a column called merchant_shipping_group_name. Use this column to assign SKUs to Shipping Templates.
  • XML feeds: The product XML feed contains an attribute named MerchantShippingGroupName. Use this attribute to assign SKUs to Shipping Templates.

Use the Manage SFP page:

  1. Visit the Manage SFP page which will display your SFP SKUs on the Product List tab. In the right-hand column of the page, you can see the shipping template assigned to each of the SKUs.
  2. In Shipping Template column, change the shipping template to a Prime template at the SKU-level.
  3. Select all the SKUs you want to assign to the Prime template, and then select Prime template from the Change shipping template on # of selected drop-down menu in the top left corner.

You will need to adhere to the delivery speed requirements in the image posted. HERE is the link to that help page.


Follow these steps to enable, disable, and edit listings for Prime shipping on a manual shipping template:

  1. From the Settings drop-down menu on the top right of Seller Central, click Shipping settings.
  2. From the Shipping templates list, click the template you want to enable for shipping of Seller Fulfilled Prime items, or click Create new shipping template.
  3. On the top-right side, click Edit template.
  4. Click the check box next to Prime delivery.
  5. Select Skip to select Prime manually.
  6. Select Add Prime Regions.
  7. Select the delivery regions that you want to enable for Two-Day Delivery, and then click Next and do the same for One-Day Delivery and Same-Day Delivery (if available), and then click Next.
  8. Review Prime shipping settings and click Confirm. Your shipping template is now enabled for Seller Fulfilled Prime.
  9. Click Save.

Use the Control Prime order volume option to manage your Seller Fulfilled Prime order volume to ensure that you are able to process all Prime orders in a timely manner.

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