I have not received payment from the US site, I need help
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I have not received payment from the US site, I need help

I have contacted the seller's support several times for help. The reply they gave me was that they did not have permission to the payment problem and needed the customer service team in the United States to solve it. They can only forward this problem.But after forwarding, I did not receive a question about payment from the US station.

I posted a post on the forum to ask, but someone replied to me, but I couldn't reply, it showed that the post had been locked and could not be replied.

This is the log code of the question I asked the seller for support: I hope I can get help so that I can know that all the procedures for my operations on Amazon are normal

15763702301 15669916971 15619885631 15609457491

15 replies
15 replies
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Hi @Seller_fvjXuDeZzKfz8

Connor from Amazon here, thanks for reaching out.

I've escalated the cases you provided to our partner team to investigate this further. As soon as I hear back from them, I will respond here. You will also receive an update as well, so monitor your inbox for e-mails from support.

Thank you,


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Nice to see you again, waiting for you to bring good news, thank you

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