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Amazon stole all my money after being a top seller since 2013

I began selling on Amazon in 2013 and have processed over 300,000 orders with a 100% feedback rating. I have always been meticulous, ensuring that every aspect of my business was executed flawlessly. Over the course of five years, I averaged $3 million in sales annually. However, a few years ago, my mother received a diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer. I made the decision to put everything aside to be by her side every day for an entire year until her passing. Losing my mother was incredibly difficult, and it made returning to the relentless grind of Amazon very challenging.

In the following months, I resumed selling, and things were going well until one day, my payment was not disbursed. A few days later, my account was deactivated without any explanation. I later learned that one of my ASINs had received an authenticity complaint for a product I have sold for 12 years without one complaint. Despite providing numerous invoices, I received a standard reply saying they could not verify them. For three months, my funds were held in reserve, and the credit cards I used to finance my business were shut down due to lack of payment. I had relied on Amazon for my livelihood, and after not working for for a few years to care for my mother, my savings were quickly depleted. I started borrowing money just to pay bills, assuring everyone I'd pay them back as I expected to receive $40,000 from Amazon.

Last week, I was devastated to receive an email stating they were permanently withholding my funds. The impact of this news was unbearable. During the past three months, I discovered that one of my five dogs had bone cancer, and I was urgently trying to secure funds for his treatment. When informed that Amazon was keeping my money, I faced the heartbreaking reality that I have no other option than to put him down. Just two days ago, my electricity was cut off, and I’ve gone without food for nearly three full days because my dogs needs will always come first.

Words cannot express my deep depression. I have sold nearly all my belongings to get by, yet I now have nothing left to sell and feel utterly depleted. I will be evicted the first week of next month.Not only have I lost my income, but my entire investment is gone, with $40,000 withheld and approximately another $50,000 lost in inventory. The enormity of how this has devastated my life is indescribable. I am overwhelmed with bills, I owe money to others, and I find myself unemployed once again while facing losing my home. I’ve never experienced such profound depression in my life. The complete upheaval of my world over a single frivolous authenticity complaint—despite my history of hundreds of thousands of orders with perfect feedback has completely shattered me. My dogs keep me going, but they can sense my despair. The unanticipated deactivation of my account has had a life-altering effect, and the loss of my $40,000 and another 50,000 in inventory has left me feeling irreparably broken. Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life.

45 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Amazon stole all my money after being a top seller since 2013

I began selling on Amazon in 2013 and have processed over 300,000 orders with a 100% feedback rating. I have always been meticulous, ensuring that every aspect of my business was executed flawlessly. Over the course of five years, I averaged $3 million in sales annually. However, a few years ago, my mother received a diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer. I made the decision to put everything aside to be by her side every day for an entire year until her passing. Losing my mother was incredibly difficult, and it made returning to the relentless grind of Amazon very challenging.

In the following months, I resumed selling, and things were going well until one day, my payment was not disbursed. A few days later, my account was deactivated without any explanation. I later learned that one of my ASINs had received an authenticity complaint for a product I have sold for 12 years without one complaint. Despite providing numerous invoices, I received a standard reply saying they could not verify them. For three months, my funds were held in reserve, and the credit cards I used to finance my business were shut down due to lack of payment. I had relied on Amazon for my livelihood, and after not working for for a few years to care for my mother, my savings were quickly depleted. I started borrowing money just to pay bills, assuring everyone I'd pay them back as I expected to receive $40,000 from Amazon.

Last week, I was devastated to receive an email stating they were permanently withholding my funds. The impact of this news was unbearable. During the past three months, I discovered that one of my five dogs had bone cancer, and I was urgently trying to secure funds for his treatment. When informed that Amazon was keeping my money, I faced the heartbreaking reality that I have no other option than to put him down. Just two days ago, my electricity was cut off, and I’ve gone without food for nearly three full days because my dogs needs will always come first.

Words cannot express my deep depression. I have sold nearly all my belongings to get by, yet I now have nothing left to sell and feel utterly depleted. I will be evicted the first week of next month.Not only have I lost my income, but my entire investment is gone, with $40,000 withheld and approximately another $50,000 lost in inventory. The enormity of how this has devastated my life is indescribable. I am overwhelmed with bills, I owe money to others, and I find myself unemployed once again while facing losing my home. I’ve never experienced such profound depression in my life. The complete upheaval of my world over a single frivolous authenticity complaint—despite my history of hundreds of thousands of orders with perfect feedback has completely shattered me. My dogs keep me going, but they can sense my despair. The unanticipated deactivation of my account has had a life-altering effect, and the loss of my $40,000 and another 50,000 in inventory has left me feeling irreparably broken. Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life.

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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45 replies
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Honestly, truthfully, and that wont be what you want to hear.....

While I appreciate you wanting to be there for your mother, leaving yourself without an income or savings to a point where your electricity gets shut off, that's like quitting any other job without to plan for how you will survive.

When Amazon suspended your account, you got a performance notification. In this notification they requested invoices, including SUPPLY CHAIN DOCUMENTATION, that being a letter from the brand authorizing your distributor AND a LOA from the brand to you, authorizing you to sell that brand ON AMAZON.

This is what is required now to sell any brand here and the only proof of authenticity accepted.

If you do not have these, your only option is mediation.

user profile

I am very sad for you. You say you sell from 2013 here, although it's seems that's the first time you visit the forum. You missed the changes that happened during the last years. Nowadays it's risky to sell brands. Daily we read ten threads from suspended sellers having listed products without "Letter of Authorization" from the brand owner. Now it's too late to tell you, but if you had at least READ the forum some times you would have been warned.

Also Google tells me that Herbalife doesn't allow the sale of their products on Amazon and Ebay, even if we find it on the website. Soon or late these sellers will suffer the same like you. Your authenticity complaint didn't come from a customer but from Herbalife.

As a last attempt you could contact a specialized Amazon attorney, since in fact you most probably bought from a verifiable source. And you have to contact absolutely Herbalife to describe your catastrophic situation. That will NOT allow Amazon to pay you the money or to return the inventory to you - by law. But maybe your account could be reinstated if Herbalife retracts the complaint.

Maybe look for another product from small manufacturers in your neighborhood to sell on another platform.

Good luck!

user profile

"Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life. "

Given the desperation stated there, PLEASE contact a Suicide Prevention hotline and seek some counseling.

The simple fact is that AMAZON doesn't care about sellers, they care about profits.

By taking the time off (as well as apparently not seeing the notices from Amazon) you missed an immense number of changes to the site and how it operates currently.

There is NO recovery from Amazon dependency without suffering from Amazon withdrawal.

Seek help to start that journey!

user profile

The fact is Amazon does not care. You are desperate. Understandably so. I feel you. I was in a similar predicament almost 30 years ago.

I lost my business and saw no way out. I was complementing the worst.

Please, please do not do anything rash. What would you mother want you to do?

As long as there is life, there is hope.

My financial situation never recovered to the way it was before the troubles. But I am alive and well. I have the merit to see my grandchildren growing up. What a blessing.

user profile
Given the desperation stated there, PLEASE contact a Suicide Prevention hotline and seek some counseling.
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i can understand your dilemma, and sympathize, but if your username tells us anything then you were selling products of a brand that is locked - Herbalife. You were fortunate that you were able to sell all that time.

I would try to work with Herbalife to get a letter of authorization that would cover only the previous time period. I'd state that you have no intention of ever selling their products again.

Other than that you would have to go to Arbitration

user profile

We were once told a vendor invoice was not authetntic because they could not find the vendors website. I explained they are not in retail and do not have or need a site, they didnt seem to care- I guess its beyond their scope of ability to think. The funny thing was , the vendor also supplied Amazon, so I said they are a supplier or your own retail, here are items you all buy from them for first party, yet you insist they don't exist?

user profile

Rule #1 NEVER depend on Amazon as your sole source of income. They could not care less about you or your problems. They will steal, cheat and screw you in every way possible. We look at everything here as simply a temporary.

user profile

man, just try to appeal for the deactivated account, some people advise to get authorization from herbalife, it is a good method. Or you can try to get your payment back 3 months later by mailing to amazon payment team.

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Hmmmmm. Makes me wonder. Your account has been shut down & all your money stolen & all the bad things happened. How are you posting on the forums?

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Amazon stole all my money after being a top seller since 2013

I began selling on Amazon in 2013 and have processed over 300,000 orders with a 100% feedback rating. I have always been meticulous, ensuring that every aspect of my business was executed flawlessly. Over the course of five years, I averaged $3 million in sales annually. However, a few years ago, my mother received a diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer. I made the decision to put everything aside to be by her side every day for an entire year until her passing. Losing my mother was incredibly difficult, and it made returning to the relentless grind of Amazon very challenging.

In the following months, I resumed selling, and things were going well until one day, my payment was not disbursed. A few days later, my account was deactivated without any explanation. I later learned that one of my ASINs had received an authenticity complaint for a product I have sold for 12 years without one complaint. Despite providing numerous invoices, I received a standard reply saying they could not verify them. For three months, my funds were held in reserve, and the credit cards I used to finance my business were shut down due to lack of payment. I had relied on Amazon for my livelihood, and after not working for for a few years to care for my mother, my savings were quickly depleted. I started borrowing money just to pay bills, assuring everyone I'd pay them back as I expected to receive $40,000 from Amazon.

Last week, I was devastated to receive an email stating they were permanently withholding my funds. The impact of this news was unbearable. During the past three months, I discovered that one of my five dogs had bone cancer, and I was urgently trying to secure funds for his treatment. When informed that Amazon was keeping my money, I faced the heartbreaking reality that I have no other option than to put him down. Just two days ago, my electricity was cut off, and I’ve gone without food for nearly three full days because my dogs needs will always come first.

Words cannot express my deep depression. I have sold nearly all my belongings to get by, yet I now have nothing left to sell and feel utterly depleted. I will be evicted the first week of next month.Not only have I lost my income, but my entire investment is gone, with $40,000 withheld and approximately another $50,000 lost in inventory. The enormity of how this has devastated my life is indescribable. I am overwhelmed with bills, I owe money to others, and I find myself unemployed once again while facing losing my home. I’ve never experienced such profound depression in my life. The complete upheaval of my world over a single frivolous authenticity complaint—despite my history of hundreds of thousands of orders with perfect feedback has completely shattered me. My dogs keep me going, but they can sense my despair. The unanticipated deactivation of my account has had a life-altering effect, and the loss of my $40,000 and another 50,000 in inventory has left me feeling irreparably broken. Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life.

45 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Amazon stole all my money after being a top seller since 2013

I began selling on Amazon in 2013 and have processed over 300,000 orders with a 100% feedback rating. I have always been meticulous, ensuring that every aspect of my business was executed flawlessly. Over the course of five years, I averaged $3 million in sales annually. However, a few years ago, my mother received a diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer. I made the decision to put everything aside to be by her side every day for an entire year until her passing. Losing my mother was incredibly difficult, and it made returning to the relentless grind of Amazon very challenging.

In the following months, I resumed selling, and things were going well until one day, my payment was not disbursed. A few days later, my account was deactivated without any explanation. I later learned that one of my ASINs had received an authenticity complaint for a product I have sold for 12 years without one complaint. Despite providing numerous invoices, I received a standard reply saying they could not verify them. For three months, my funds were held in reserve, and the credit cards I used to finance my business were shut down due to lack of payment. I had relied on Amazon for my livelihood, and after not working for for a few years to care for my mother, my savings were quickly depleted. I started borrowing money just to pay bills, assuring everyone I'd pay them back as I expected to receive $40,000 from Amazon.

Last week, I was devastated to receive an email stating they were permanently withholding my funds. The impact of this news was unbearable. During the past three months, I discovered that one of my five dogs had bone cancer, and I was urgently trying to secure funds for his treatment. When informed that Amazon was keeping my money, I faced the heartbreaking reality that I have no other option than to put him down. Just two days ago, my electricity was cut off, and I’ve gone without food for nearly three full days because my dogs needs will always come first.

Words cannot express my deep depression. I have sold nearly all my belongings to get by, yet I now have nothing left to sell and feel utterly depleted. I will be evicted the first week of next month.Not only have I lost my income, but my entire investment is gone, with $40,000 withheld and approximately another $50,000 lost in inventory. The enormity of how this has devastated my life is indescribable. I am overwhelmed with bills, I owe money to others, and I find myself unemployed once again while facing losing my home. I’ve never experienced such profound depression in my life. The complete upheaval of my world over a single frivolous authenticity complaint—despite my history of hundreds of thousands of orders with perfect feedback has completely shattered me. My dogs keep me going, but they can sense my despair. The unanticipated deactivation of my account has had a life-altering effect, and the loss of my $40,000 and another 50,000 in inventory has left me feeling irreparably broken. Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life.

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
45 replies
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Amazon stole all my money after being a top seller since 2013

by Seller_fdPbg1rsKk8V5

I began selling on Amazon in 2013 and have processed over 300,000 orders with a 100% feedback rating. I have always been meticulous, ensuring that every aspect of my business was executed flawlessly. Over the course of five years, I averaged $3 million in sales annually. However, a few years ago, my mother received a diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer. I made the decision to put everything aside to be by her side every day for an entire year until her passing. Losing my mother was incredibly difficult, and it made returning to the relentless grind of Amazon very challenging.

In the following months, I resumed selling, and things were going well until one day, my payment was not disbursed. A few days later, my account was deactivated without any explanation. I later learned that one of my ASINs had received an authenticity complaint for a product I have sold for 12 years without one complaint. Despite providing numerous invoices, I received a standard reply saying they could not verify them. For three months, my funds were held in reserve, and the credit cards I used to finance my business were shut down due to lack of payment. I had relied on Amazon for my livelihood, and after not working for for a few years to care for my mother, my savings were quickly depleted. I started borrowing money just to pay bills, assuring everyone I'd pay them back as I expected to receive $40,000 from Amazon.

Last week, I was devastated to receive an email stating they were permanently withholding my funds. The impact of this news was unbearable. During the past three months, I discovered that one of my five dogs had bone cancer, and I was urgently trying to secure funds for his treatment. When informed that Amazon was keeping my money, I faced the heartbreaking reality that I have no other option than to put him down. Just two days ago, my electricity was cut off, and I’ve gone without food for nearly three full days because my dogs needs will always come first.

Words cannot express my deep depression. I have sold nearly all my belongings to get by, yet I now have nothing left to sell and feel utterly depleted. I will be evicted the first week of next month.Not only have I lost my income, but my entire investment is gone, with $40,000 withheld and approximately another $50,000 lost in inventory. The enormity of how this has devastated my life is indescribable. I am overwhelmed with bills, I owe money to others, and I find myself unemployed once again while facing losing my home. I’ve never experienced such profound depression in my life. The complete upheaval of my world over a single frivolous authenticity complaint—despite my history of hundreds of thousands of orders with perfect feedback has completely shattered me. My dogs keep me going, but they can sense my despair. The unanticipated deactivation of my account has had a life-altering effect, and the loss of my $40,000 and another 50,000 in inventory has left me feeling irreparably broken. Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life.

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Honestly, truthfully, and that wont be what you want to hear.....

While I appreciate you wanting to be there for your mother, leaving yourself without an income or savings to a point where your electricity gets shut off, that's like quitting any other job without to plan for how you will survive.

When Amazon suspended your account, you got a performance notification. In this notification they requested invoices, including SUPPLY CHAIN DOCUMENTATION, that being a letter from the brand authorizing your distributor AND a LOA from the brand to you, authorizing you to sell that brand ON AMAZON.

This is what is required now to sell any brand here and the only proof of authenticity accepted.

If you do not have these, your only option is mediation.

user profile

I am very sad for you. You say you sell from 2013 here, although it's seems that's the first time you visit the forum. You missed the changes that happened during the last years. Nowadays it's risky to sell brands. Daily we read ten threads from suspended sellers having listed products without "Letter of Authorization" from the brand owner. Now it's too late to tell you, but if you had at least READ the forum some times you would have been warned.

Also Google tells me that Herbalife doesn't allow the sale of their products on Amazon and Ebay, even if we find it on the website. Soon or late these sellers will suffer the same like you. Your authenticity complaint didn't come from a customer but from Herbalife.

As a last attempt you could contact a specialized Amazon attorney, since in fact you most probably bought from a verifiable source. And you have to contact absolutely Herbalife to describe your catastrophic situation. That will NOT allow Amazon to pay you the money or to return the inventory to you - by law. But maybe your account could be reinstated if Herbalife retracts the complaint.

Maybe look for another product from small manufacturers in your neighborhood to sell on another platform.

Good luck!

user profile

"Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life. "

Given the desperation stated there, PLEASE contact a Suicide Prevention hotline and seek some counseling.

The simple fact is that AMAZON doesn't care about sellers, they care about profits.

By taking the time off (as well as apparently not seeing the notices from Amazon) you missed an immense number of changes to the site and how it operates currently.

There is NO recovery from Amazon dependency without suffering from Amazon withdrawal.

Seek help to start that journey!

user profile

The fact is Amazon does not care. You are desperate. Understandably so. I feel you. I was in a similar predicament almost 30 years ago.

I lost my business and saw no way out. I was complementing the worst.

Please, please do not do anything rash. What would you mother want you to do?

As long as there is life, there is hope.

My financial situation never recovered to the way it was before the troubles. But I am alive and well. I have the merit to see my grandchildren growing up. What a blessing.

user profile
Given the desperation stated there, PLEASE contact a Suicide Prevention hotline and seek some counseling.
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i can understand your dilemma, and sympathize, but if your username tells us anything then you were selling products of a brand that is locked - Herbalife. You were fortunate that you were able to sell all that time.

I would try to work with Herbalife to get a letter of authorization that would cover only the previous time period. I'd state that you have no intention of ever selling their products again.

Other than that you would have to go to Arbitration

user profile

We were once told a vendor invoice was not authetntic because they could not find the vendors website. I explained they are not in retail and do not have or need a site, they didnt seem to care- I guess its beyond their scope of ability to think. The funny thing was , the vendor also supplied Amazon, so I said they are a supplier or your own retail, here are items you all buy from them for first party, yet you insist they don't exist?

user profile

Rule #1 NEVER depend on Amazon as your sole source of income. They could not care less about you or your problems. They will steal, cheat and screw you in every way possible. We look at everything here as simply a temporary.

user profile

man, just try to appeal for the deactivated account, some people advise to get authorization from herbalife, it is a good method. Or you can try to get your payment back 3 months later by mailing to amazon payment team.

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This post has been deleted by moderator
user profile

Hmmmmm. Makes me wonder. Your account has been shut down & all your money stolen & all the bad things happened. How are you posting on the forums?

user profile

Honestly, truthfully, and that wont be what you want to hear.....

While I appreciate you wanting to be there for your mother, leaving yourself without an income or savings to a point where your electricity gets shut off, that's like quitting any other job without to plan for how you will survive.

When Amazon suspended your account, you got a performance notification. In this notification they requested invoices, including SUPPLY CHAIN DOCUMENTATION, that being a letter from the brand authorizing your distributor AND a LOA from the brand to you, authorizing you to sell that brand ON AMAZON.

This is what is required now to sell any brand here and the only proof of authenticity accepted.

If you do not have these, your only option is mediation.

user profile

Honestly, truthfully, and that wont be what you want to hear.....

While I appreciate you wanting to be there for your mother, leaving yourself without an income or savings to a point where your electricity gets shut off, that's like quitting any other job without to plan for how you will survive.

When Amazon suspended your account, you got a performance notification. In this notification they requested invoices, including SUPPLY CHAIN DOCUMENTATION, that being a letter from the brand authorizing your distributor AND a LOA from the brand to you, authorizing you to sell that brand ON AMAZON.

This is what is required now to sell any brand here and the only proof of authenticity accepted.

If you do not have these, your only option is mediation.

user profile

I am very sad for you. You say you sell from 2013 here, although it's seems that's the first time you visit the forum. You missed the changes that happened during the last years. Nowadays it's risky to sell brands. Daily we read ten threads from suspended sellers having listed products without "Letter of Authorization" from the brand owner. Now it's too late to tell you, but if you had at least READ the forum some times you would have been warned.

Also Google tells me that Herbalife doesn't allow the sale of their products on Amazon and Ebay, even if we find it on the website. Soon or late these sellers will suffer the same like you. Your authenticity complaint didn't come from a customer but from Herbalife.

As a last attempt you could contact a specialized Amazon attorney, since in fact you most probably bought from a verifiable source. And you have to contact absolutely Herbalife to describe your catastrophic situation. That will NOT allow Amazon to pay you the money or to return the inventory to you - by law. But maybe your account could be reinstated if Herbalife retracts the complaint.

Maybe look for another product from small manufacturers in your neighborhood to sell on another platform.

Good luck!

user profile

I am very sad for you. You say you sell from 2013 here, although it's seems that's the first time you visit the forum. You missed the changes that happened during the last years. Nowadays it's risky to sell brands. Daily we read ten threads from suspended sellers having listed products without "Letter of Authorization" from the brand owner. Now it's too late to tell you, but if you had at least READ the forum some times you would have been warned.

Also Google tells me that Herbalife doesn't allow the sale of their products on Amazon and Ebay, even if we find it on the website. Soon or late these sellers will suffer the same like you. Your authenticity complaint didn't come from a customer but from Herbalife.

As a last attempt you could contact a specialized Amazon attorney, since in fact you most probably bought from a verifiable source. And you have to contact absolutely Herbalife to describe your catastrophic situation. That will NOT allow Amazon to pay you the money or to return the inventory to you - by law. But maybe your account could be reinstated if Herbalife retracts the complaint.

Maybe look for another product from small manufacturers in your neighborhood to sell on another platform.

Good luck!

user profile

"Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life. "

Given the desperation stated there, PLEASE contact a Suicide Prevention hotline and seek some counseling.

The simple fact is that AMAZON doesn't care about sellers, they care about profits.

By taking the time off (as well as apparently not seeing the notices from Amazon) you missed an immense number of changes to the site and how it operates currently.

There is NO recovery from Amazon dependency without suffering from Amazon withdrawal.

Seek help to start that journey!

user profile

"Amazon cost me my livelihood, and might just cost me my life. "

Given the desperation stated there, PLEASE contact a Suicide Prevention hotline and seek some counseling.

The simple fact is that AMAZON doesn't care about sellers, they care about profits.

By taking the time off (as well as apparently not seeing the notices from Amazon) you missed an immense number of changes to the site and how it operates currently.

There is NO recovery from Amazon dependency without suffering from Amazon withdrawal.

Seek help to start that journey!

user profile

The fact is Amazon does not care. You are desperate. Understandably so. I feel you. I was in a similar predicament almost 30 years ago.

I lost my business and saw no way out. I was complementing the worst.

Please, please do not do anything rash. What would you mother want you to do?

As long as there is life, there is hope.

My financial situation never recovered to the way it was before the troubles. But I am alive and well. I have the merit to see my grandchildren growing up. What a blessing.

user profile
Given the desperation stated there, PLEASE contact a Suicide Prevention hotline and seek some counseling.
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user profile

The fact is Amazon does not care. You are desperate. Understandably so. I feel you. I was in a similar predicament almost 30 years ago.

I lost my business and saw no way out. I was complementing the worst.

Please, please do not do anything rash. What would you mother want you to do?

As long as there is life, there is hope.

My financial situation never recovered to the way it was before the troubles. But I am alive and well. I have the merit to see my grandchildren growing up. What a blessing.

user profile
Given the desperation stated there, PLEASE contact a Suicide Prevention hotline and seek some counseling.
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user profile

i can understand your dilemma, and sympathize, but if your username tells us anything then you were selling products of a brand that is locked - Herbalife. You were fortunate that you were able to sell all that time.

I would try to work with Herbalife to get a letter of authorization that would cover only the previous time period. I'd state that you have no intention of ever selling their products again.

Other than that you would have to go to Arbitration

user profile

i can understand your dilemma, and sympathize, but if your username tells us anything then you were selling products of a brand that is locked - Herbalife. You were fortunate that you were able to sell all that time.

I would try to work with Herbalife to get a letter of authorization that would cover only the previous time period. I'd state that you have no intention of ever selling their products again.

Other than that you would have to go to Arbitration

user profile

We were once told a vendor invoice was not authetntic because they could not find the vendors website. I explained they are not in retail and do not have or need a site, they didnt seem to care- I guess its beyond their scope of ability to think. The funny thing was , the vendor also supplied Amazon, so I said they are a supplier or your own retail, here are items you all buy from them for first party, yet you insist they don't exist?

user profile

We were once told a vendor invoice was not authetntic because they could not find the vendors website. I explained they are not in retail and do not have or need a site, they didnt seem to care- I guess its beyond their scope of ability to think. The funny thing was , the vendor also supplied Amazon, so I said they are a supplier or your own retail, here are items you all buy from them for first party, yet you insist they don't exist?

user profile

Rule #1 NEVER depend on Amazon as your sole source of income. They could not care less about you or your problems. They will steal, cheat and screw you in every way possible. We look at everything here as simply a temporary.

user profile

Rule #1 NEVER depend on Amazon as your sole source of income. They could not care less about you or your problems. They will steal, cheat and screw you in every way possible. We look at everything here as simply a temporary.

user profile

man, just try to appeal for the deactivated account, some people advise to get authorization from herbalife, it is a good method. Or you can try to get your payment back 3 months later by mailing to amazon payment team.

user profile

man, just try to appeal for the deactivated account, some people advise to get authorization from herbalife, it is a good method. Or you can try to get your payment back 3 months later by mailing to amazon payment team.

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This post has been deleted by moderator
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This post has been deleted by moderator
user profile

Hmmmmm. Makes me wonder. Your account has been shut down & all your money stolen & all the bad things happened. How are you posting on the forums?

user profile

Hmmmmm. Makes me wonder. Your account has been shut down & all your money stolen & all the bad things happened. How are you posting on the forums?


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