My account was deactivated due to related account
My next question is can I have a store name in the US and have a different store name in Australia for example could i have somehow Created a separate account in another country without knowing because I recognized the account that they are saying is related it was a store Front name was in my one and only account that I know of and also it's misspelled and has special characters in it I need help i've been at this appeal stuff for about a month and I've gotten nowhere is it even worth it should I just deactivate my account and Try again
Check your global accounts. All stores you have must be active.
You can't do that. Amazon will either right away or somewhere down the road find the association between the accounts, and deactivate them all, seizing any funds that you may have accumulated in the new one. You have to fix the problems in the account.
Sadly, I don't know what advice to give, other than don't make it worse.
Hello @Seller_fnBF0exJxpfNP
Thank you for the information provided regarding the issues that you have seen on the account. I understand it was due to concerns regarding an association to another store. I do want to provide guidance as I understand this type of situation can be difficult to navigate.
You mention that you do recognize the store front name that was provided in the notification as your own store, as mentioned by @Seller_4zBzdtgCyS9EI, you will want to review through and verify the status in the other markets you are registered in. Once you have identified the specific market that has been impacted, you will want to review the performance notifications to identify the issue that caused the disruption and take action to address it.
Once you can confirm the resolution of the other outstanding issues, you can navigate back towards your US market to submit an appeal. Our team will review and verify that the other markets have been resolved before taking action to resolve the restrictions. If you are unable to resolve the issues on the associated market, please be aware that we will not be able to guarantee a resolution.
I do encourage you to continue to provide any information or updates that you have to this thread for support.