We turned in a case on this QZ Tray issue that wont allow us to print our Amazon Seller shipping labels through Amazon for the past 3 weeks. Amazon took over a week and closed the case without us confirming. This issue is still NOT solved. Amazon Support closed the case because they saw we shipped the order. Well yes we have to use an OUTSIDE label service to print labels now because QZ Tray will not work at all. All buttons are grayed out. Then miraculously yesterday it let us print just one of our orders shipping labels via QZ Tray, and the next one NO it was grayed out.
Fees to sell through Amazon are too high to make us manually key shipping labels into other provider services. The shipping label should be an Amazon Business Critical service.
Amazon Please fix this ASAP and work with QZ Tray to have a seamless solution. Before you roll out some new shipping label print method PLEASE QA and UAT test it better so it actually Works for Everyone !
Other Sellers: Have any of your encountered this and how did you get the printing of labels via QZ Tray working?