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Impossible Bank Account Verification Requirements

by Seller_84LMlj7yiVJW8

Hi All,

We just received the below email, "Action required: Verify your Amazon seller bank account information." I've followed the instructions, but what Amazon is requiring is impossible.

We bank with American Express and our checking account linked to Amazon is held by the Registered Brand (corporation registered with Amazon). But, instead of requiring this, Amazon is requiring that my personal name be shown on the bank statement as the account holder. I've spoken with American Express and this is impossible as the bank account is owned by the Corporation.

How is this not a case Amazon foresaw before sending out these bank account verification letters? Any amazon seller that is brand registered will likely have the bank account under their LLC. The account holder information on my bank statement matches the registered legal entity on Amazon.

Tags: Bank account
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In reply to: Seller_84LMlj7yiVJW8's post

Is your account a single member LLC disregarded entity for tax purposes?

or is it a corporate account?

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In reply to: Seller_84LMlj7yiVJW8's post

A lot of sellers got this email from Amazon. And they have no clue how to submit a bank statement consisting of Account Number of LLC and Account Title of Individual.

At what time did you receive this email? Most of them got this email 12 hours back.

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In reply to: Seller_84LMlj7yiVJW8's post

I got the same email an hour ago. I have no clue as what to do with this. My accounts have been the same for 2 years. There's nothing to verify and certainly no button to upload bank statements or such either.

The only thing it lets you do is replace the current default deposit method

I hope someone can shed light on this

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In reply to: Seller_84LMlj7yiVJW8's post

Hay, ya know that wonderful post you posted about how to handle the verifications depending on which sort of legal entity you have? Can you please copy and paste it here for this group since I can't share the link to it?

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how to handle the verifications depending on which sort of legal entity you have
This post has been updated by its author since it was quoted here.

What is listed on your Legal Entity currently? (Individual Name or Business Name)

This will determine where you select individual or business account.

The name and address listed is what is to be verified against the SS# or EIN#.

As an individual have the following ready

  • JPG of both front and rear of your Dr License (or other government PHOTO ID).
  • PDF or JPG copy of a current credit card (or bank) statement showing your name and address which is matching the address on your Legal Entity (notice we didn’t refer to address on Dr License and we had our name and business name on this statement)
  • PDF or JPG copy of your business license showing your nameand address matching on your Legal Entity (we don’t have a business license in our state locality so we provided a PDF of our State Sales Tax Permit which serves as our business license and it has our name, business name and address on it).
  • PDF or JPG copy of a utility with name and address which is matching Legal Entity address (note - we had this ready just in case Amazon turned around and requested it … but they didn’t in our case)

As a business

  • JPG of both front and rear of your Dr License (or other government PHOTO ID).
  • PDF or JPG copy of a current credit card (or bank) statement showing the business name and address which is matching the address on your Legal Entity (notice we didn’t refer to address on Dr License and, if your name is also on the statement in addition to the business name, that would be okay)
  • PDF or JPG copy of your business license or the documents that created / formed your business. The documents should show the business name, address and that you are the owner or a owner of the business (which is where the Dr License is needed in this case to verify you - not your address on Dr License).
  • PDF or JPG copy of a utility with business name and address which is matching Legal Entity address (note - we had this ready just in case Amazon turned around and requested it … but they didn’t in our case).

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In reply to: Seller_84LMlj7yiVJW8's post

I don't have a Verify Button - Step 4 - on the Deposit Methods page.

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In reply to: Seller_84LMlj7yiVJW8's post

Like others have posted, I've got no verification button. This is my Deposit Methods screen.

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In reply to: Seller_84LMlj7yiVJW8's post

What is the "from email address" in the header of the email containing this Amazon Deposit Method request?

Has anyone verified that it came from Amazon?

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email is from no reply @ Not sure if this is real or a spam email.

Amazon Ads emails come from noreply @

Do you see something like this when you look at the coding?

SPF: PASS with IP Learn more

DKIM: 'PASS' with domain Learn more

DMARC: 'PASS' Learn more

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