Lost ALL BUY BOX (Featured Offer) in my Store
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Lost ALL BUY BOX (Featured Offer) in my Store

Hello Amazon,

ALL LISTING buy box are LOST. My account status is normal and healthy. This is seriously affecting my sales program and causing me a lot of loss.

All of a sudden my featured offer eligibility is gone and I have no idea why. I send in consistent shipments and maintain good account health.

I would appreciate it if support team can have a manual review of the buy box eligibility? My Case is 15539778221

6 replies
6 replies
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Good Evening @Seller_EGDy816QBPIDe,

Thank you for reaching out to us on the Seller Forums. In general we are not able to provide any details regarding the Featured Offer, however I have requested a review of your Featured Offer Eligibility for case 15539778221. I won't be able to provide the specifics results of the investigation but I will indicate when the review is complete. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.

Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon

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Hello @Seller_EGDy816QBPIDe,

I wanted to follow up with you to let you know, at this time your Featured Offer Eligibility review is complete. While I cannot provide specific updates, any changes to your offers can be seen on your Manage Inventory page in Seller Central.

Thank you for your understanding and have a great day!

Cheers, Cooper_Amazon

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