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CPC certificate review 2+ months no update!

It has been 2+ months of zero updates on our children’s products’ compliance review. We have contacted the relevant teams including account health and seller support on a weekly basis. However, the only update we receive is there is no update.

Is anyone else encountering this inefficiency? And happen to know why Amazon is so disinterested in reviewing compliance documents?

What has worked to help you get your documents to be reviewed across your ASIN(s)? We are awaiting review for 4 ASINs currently.

Thank you in advance!

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CPC certificate review 2+ months no update!

It has been 2+ months of zero updates on our children’s products’ compliance review. We have contacted the relevant teams including account health and seller support on a weekly basis. However, the only update we receive is there is no update.

Is anyone else encountering this inefficiency? And happen to know why Amazon is so disinterested in reviewing compliance documents?

What has worked to help you get your documents to be reviewed across your ASIN(s)? We are awaiting review for 4 ASINs currently.

Thank you in advance!

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CPC certificate review 2+ months no update!

It has been 2+ months of zero updates on our children’s products’ compliance review. We have contacted the relevant teams including account health and seller support on a weekly basis. However, the only update we receive is there is no update.

Is anyone else encountering this inefficiency? And happen to know why Amazon is so disinterested in reviewing compliance documents?

What has worked to help you get your documents to be reviewed across your ASIN(s)? We are awaiting review for 4 ASINs currently.

Thank you in advance!

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CPC certificate review 2+ months no update!

It has been 2+ months of zero updates on our children’s products’ compliance review. We have contacted the relevant teams including account health and seller support on a weekly basis. However, the only update we receive is there is no update.

Is anyone else encountering this inefficiency? And happen to know why Amazon is so disinterested in reviewing compliance documents?

What has worked to help you get your documents to be reviewed across your ASIN(s)? We are awaiting review for 4 ASINs currently.

Thank you in advance!

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CPC certificate review 2+ months no update!

by Seller_WDC5OaSFojWgm

It has been 2+ months of zero updates on our children’s products’ compliance review. We have contacted the relevant teams including account health and seller support on a weekly basis. However, the only update we receive is there is no update.

Is anyone else encountering this inefficiency? And happen to know why Amazon is so disinterested in reviewing compliance documents?

What has worked to help you get your documents to be reviewed across your ASIN(s)? We are awaiting review for 4 ASINs currently.

Thank you in advance!

Tags:Product safety
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