Feedback removal request
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Feedback removal request

Hello. Could you please help to remove some negative feedbacks?

Recently, I got some negative feedbacks.

Could you please help to remove these feedbacks?


Order ID:114-4645658-0547423. The entire comment is about product. Then I requested feedback removal but bot replied "We have reviewed this feedback and found that it is not in violation of our guidelines and has been retained. To request further review of this decision, re-open the case in Case Log.

Every time I tried to re-open a case, the bot replies "We have received your request to remove the feedback for the order , and have reviewed your request. In this case, we regret to inform you that we are unable to remove this feedback, since the feedback you received was not in violation of our guidelines."


Order ID:111-9972809-2255447. This buyer hasn't returned the item but claims I receive return on 10/10/24. I prepared the shipping label for this buyer but the tracking record shows this buyer hasn't returned yet.

Ending up the same thing as No. 1.


Order ID:111-0191574-4813828. This buyer returned me totally wrong item with used condition. I refused to refund unless the buyer return me the original one. Then the buyer left a negative feedback. This is totally unfair.

Ending up the same thing as No. 1 and 2.

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Tags:Account Health
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Hello @Seller_SZ5c1zbwiwEA8,

This is Josh from Amazon. Thank you for reaching out to our Forums!

I understand your concern regarding the negative feedback and your attempts to have them removed. Upon review, I couldn't find any case IDs related to feedback removal requests for the orders you've mentioned.

To assist you further, please provide the specific case IDs for each feedback removal request you've submitted. This information is crucial for us to investigate your situation and offer targeted help.

Best regards,


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