Product review manipulation at its finest with no repercussion
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Product review manipulation at its finest with no repercussion

On Feb 19, 2025, a competitor purchase 4 units from me under a fake name but shipped to their own address. They signed the signature confirmation with their real name, returned the 4 units to me and left a 1 star product review under another fake name which is either their personal buyer account or a family member. This fake name has also left a 1 star review on another of our competitors listing whilst leaving multiple 5 star reviews on their own listings. Their listings also has other 5 star reviews left by a family member and Principal of their own company proving their malicious activity and intentions in review manipulation. I’ve already sent an email with the same report to community-help. I've reported it to seller central. Everything so far has been a dead end despite the fact that I collected all of the evidence and compiled a lengthy report. Amazon claims to heavily enforce product review manipulation and takes it very seriously but clearly does not do anything. Is there anyone from amazon that cares enough to actually help stop this malicious bullying tactics that clearly violates amazon policy?

detailed report and photos all uploaded to Case ID: 17278788881

Order ID: 114-1557200-1567458

ASIN: B0D915J228

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