Goos day
I have recently registered an amazon seller account, the subscription amount was not able to be deducted due to me not verifying with my bank about an overseas payment, however now that its verified how do i get amazon to charge my account again.
Goos day
I have recently registered an amazon seller account, the subscription amount was not able to be deducted due to me not verifying with my bank about an overseas payment, however now that its verified how do i get amazon to charge my account again.
Hello @Seller_E9NROgn45eHeX,
Thank you for your post. When you register as a seller, you must enter a credit card that will accept international charges and that has a valid billing address located in an eligible country. Your credit or debit card will be billed the monthly fee (if applicable) or USD 1 (excl. VAT) for purposes of validating the card. For more information, go to Registration requirements by country.
Use the tool below to find out why your credit or debit card information might be invalid and to update your credit card.
Please make sure the charge method is a true credit card. Not a debit or pre-paid. Once that is updated, Amazon will charge the account.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Goos day
I have recently registered an amazon seller account, the subscription amount was not able to be deducted due to me not verifying with my bank about an overseas payment, however now that its verified how do i get amazon to charge my account again.
Goos day
I have recently registered an amazon seller account, the subscription amount was not able to be deducted due to me not verifying with my bank about an overseas payment, however now that its verified how do i get amazon to charge my account again.
Goos day
I have recently registered an amazon seller account, the subscription amount was not able to be deducted due to me not verifying with my bank about an overseas payment, however now that its verified how do i get amazon to charge my account again.
Hello @Seller_E9NROgn45eHeX,
Thank you for your post. When you register as a seller, you must enter a credit card that will accept international charges and that has a valid billing address located in an eligible country. Your credit or debit card will be billed the monthly fee (if applicable) or USD 1 (excl. VAT) for purposes of validating the card. For more information, go to Registration requirements by country.
Use the tool below to find out why your credit or debit card information might be invalid and to update your credit card.
Please make sure the charge method is a true credit card. Not a debit or pre-paid. Once that is updated, Amazon will charge the account.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Hello @Seller_E9NROgn45eHeX,
Thank you for your post. When you register as a seller, you must enter a credit card that will accept international charges and that has a valid billing address located in an eligible country. Your credit or debit card will be billed the monthly fee (if applicable) or USD 1 (excl. VAT) for purposes of validating the card. For more information, go to Registration requirements by country.
Use the tool below to find out why your credit or debit card information might be invalid and to update your credit card.
Please make sure the charge method is a true credit card. Not a debit or pre-paid. Once that is updated, Amazon will charge the account.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Hello @Seller_E9NROgn45eHeX,
Thank you for your post. When you register as a seller, you must enter a credit card that will accept international charges and that has a valid billing address located in an eligible country. Your credit or debit card will be billed the monthly fee (if applicable) or USD 1 (excl. VAT) for purposes of validating the card. For more information, go to Registration requirements by country.
Use the tool below to find out why your credit or debit card information might be invalid and to update your credit card.
Please make sure the charge method is a true credit card. Not a debit or pre-paid. Once that is updated, Amazon will charge the account.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.