A long time ago, we created an ASIN and recently decided to update the description.
I received an error 5886 message and contacted Seller Support.
Seller Support instructed, "We reviewed the listing and found that the updated information got stuck on the backend, so in this case we request you to update the again information using inventory File upload method."
We completed the upload, but the changes have not taken effect and we still receive the Error 5886 message.
Any Amazon employees or other Sellers have an idea?
Case ID 17415210301
Sounds and looks like someone took over the ASIN. You cannot change it if that is the case.
So, why the error is talking about a generic listing? Did you create it as generic without UPC?
Well, a long time ago there was no AI. Now you have to deal with an AI that is quite drunk in its operation. They probably copied the AI from UHC where it was designed to deny 99% of EVERYTHING