sent a transparency enabled product to customer. They lied and sent us a different color and model item back saying we sent wrong product. A to z refunds customer. What is sense of transparency codes then. We clearly sent correct item
This is my standard template. Use what fits and REPORT, REPORT, REPORT!
I don't have a solution for Amazon allowing theft and fraud BUT if this was shipped using the USPS please report the issue to the Postal Inspectors as mail fraud. If not, report it to the carrier.
ALSO the Government has a site IC3 (Amazon will remove the link if I put it here but it’s part of the FBI for an easy search) where you can report the use of the internet for theft if it was UPS, FedEx or whatever. It is generally used to report on websites but it can be used to report buyers as well if you happen to encounter one of the Amazon scam crowd.
In all cases it at least puts the con artists into a data base for future reference by the authorities.
There's an OLD saying -- If you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem.
And, DO NOT forget the Police Department where you are, as well as where the 'buyer' is!
Many different items are returned. This is just another scam that Amazon allows and encourages.