Amazon account deactivated need Identity Verification
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Amazon account deactivated need Identity Verification


My amazon account got deactivated in Nov 2022, by sending me the email:


Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated and your listings have been removed in accordance with section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?

We have taken this measure because we need additional documentation to verify your identity. For more information on our requirements, review the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement:

Now I have tried several times to reactivate it by providing my Passport, Electricity and Gas bills, CNIC, Bank statement. But none of these is getting accepted. I don’t know why? What specific documents they need. Now even I am not getting reply for my appeal.

Can someone please guide me.

Thank you

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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"Now I have tried several times to reactivate it"

First, NEVER send more than what they ask for. If they ask for ONE thing, send ONE. The BOTS are programmed with ADHD and get easily distracted/confused when they see two or more things.

Go over everything with a magnifying glass looking for a missing 'period' or 'comma'.

Is there a different capitalization, abbreviation, spelling, or, even an extra spa ce?

When Amazon says something must match they mean EXACTLY!

That means Street is not ST.

Jim is not James.

ALL CAPS is not SOme CAps

They mean every comma, period, dash, etc. must be EXACTLY THE SAME INCLUDING SPACE S.

What you submit for documents must match the details on your seller account EXACTLY.

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Hello @Seller_s3H07ZnjD0ypO,

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We have taken this measure because we need additional documentation to verify your identity. For more information on our requirements, review the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement:
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Thank you for letting us know the reason for the deactivation. I would like to help you drill down on just what you need to provide for something like this.

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First, NEVER send more than what they ask for. If they ask for ONE thing, send ONE. The BOTS are programmed with ADHD and get easily distracted/confused when they see two or more things.
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@Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp, will provide valuable advice. I recommend taking note, as he is correct.

I am going to provide some basic information for Identity Verification. What I would ask from you is please provide a Case ID or Performance Notification, with that, I will be able to review in greater detail.

There are two types of verification. The first would be when you create your account. The other verification is from the Inform Consumer Act. That is a yearly verification to make sure your information is current and correct.

My advise is to ALWAYS provide true and correct information. Amazon is needing to verify your address and identity. The documents you provide should be what the Performance Notification requests, and only those documents. The address on the documents (such as a utility bill) must look exactly like the address you have is Seller Central.

Please review the following help pages:

Global seller identity verification

About the INFORM Consumers Act

I hope this information is helpful and will be happy to provide additional information once you provide a Case ID or Performance Notification.

I look forward to your response. Thank you for reaching out on the forums.


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