Question to the person in charge of the Amazon warehouse: The PBI3 warehouse is currently closed. When will it be restored? Currently, all shipments cannot be sent by the carrier to the PBI3 warehouse. I hope to get your answer. Thank you.
The person in charge of that warehouse wont be found in the seller forum
Port Saint Lucie FL: or it is not yet functional or USPS doesn't make appointments for deliveries. Deliveries to PBI3 by USPS are refused and returned to the sender.
nowhere. You can't talk to people like that
If that is true: please tech people REMOVE PBI2 from the possible destinations when creating a shipping plan! @SEAmod could you please transfer this request to the responsible programmers? We loose a lot of money sending shipments there and receiving them back after one month!
Good morning,
Thanks for raising this issue here on the forums. I'm tracking this topic across a few different threads from the past week, and have made a inquiry internally. Once I have more information I will reply to this thread with an update. Thanks for your patience!
- Bryce