Read onlyHello! I need immediate assistance with a serious issue impacting our brand, Bedding Aid. Our product listings (ASIN B0BRBT1DF3) have received negative reviews from customers who bought counterfeit items from other Chinese sellers. Additionally, the seller with a 1.5-star rating is still selling counterfeit versions of our brand.
These reviews are misleading and damaging our reputation, with photos clearly showing non-genuine products. Despite reporting this to Amazon Support, they've refused to remove the reviews, stating it's against their policy. This is unacceptable as it deceives customers and unfairly impacts our business.
I urge higher authorities to intervene and remove these counterfeit reviews and listings to protect both our brand and customer trust.
Case id: 15376973191
Thank you.
@Stevie_Amazon @Michelle_Amazon @Micah_Amazon
Hello! @Seller_c3oHPkTVDCANe
Thank you for visiting the Forums. I am sorry you have been affected by these reviews.
I know you worked with our Seller Support team, but keep in mind that our Support team is unable to take actions on these reviews, if you consider they need to be removed, you need to follow the report path they provided.
In addition to that, you can follow the steps below:
That being said, I have forwarded this directly with our Communities team for further review. Keep in mind that the results of this report are private, and they may not share the outcome. Actions will be taken if the reviews are found to be violating our guidelines.
Thank you for your understanding,