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Books Buy Box Ineligibility Despite Excellent Metrics - $10m+/year seller

We have been a reputable Amazon book seller since 2017 selling tens of millions of dollars worth of sales, and are facing a buy box eligibility issue that has severely impacted the success of our business.

Some example ASINs we are not eligible for are: 3035802424, 8323350558, 0830787496 and 3838214811.

We have opened case ID 17390400701 and did not receive a helpful response. All of our metrics are excellent such as ODR below 0.1%, over 94% ODTR, over 90% positive feedback, and 1000 AHR.

Due to the ineligibility, our sales are down over 80% and we desperately require help for an expedited buy box review if anyone has any advice how to do so.

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Tags:Account Health
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Books Buy Box Ineligibility Despite Excellent Metrics - $10m+/year seller

We have been a reputable Amazon book seller since 2017 selling tens of millions of dollars worth of sales, and are facing a buy box eligibility issue that has severely impacted the success of our business.

Some example ASINs we are not eligible for are: 3035802424, 8323350558, 0830787496 and 3838214811.

We have opened case ID 17390400701 and did not receive a helpful response. All of our metrics are excellent such as ODR below 0.1%, over 94% ODTR, over 90% positive feedback, and 1000 AHR.

Due to the ineligibility, our sales are down over 80% and we desperately require help for an expedited buy box review if anyone has any advice how to do so.

Tags:Account Health
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Well, we've been selling on Amazon about 20 years, excellent metrics. Our buybox percentage fluctuates between 1% and 8% for no reason. Get used to it. Amazon's criteria are completely opaque. Keep in mind that there are 1000's of other sellers who also want the buybox. You are not special.

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Books Buy Box Ineligibility Despite Excellent Metrics - $10m+/year seller

We have been a reputable Amazon book seller since 2017 selling tens of millions of dollars worth of sales, and are facing a buy box eligibility issue that has severely impacted the success of our business.

Some example ASINs we are not eligible for are: 3035802424, 8323350558, 0830787496 and 3838214811.

We have opened case ID 17390400701 and did not receive a helpful response. All of our metrics are excellent such as ODR below 0.1%, over 94% ODTR, over 90% positive feedback, and 1000 AHR.

Due to the ineligibility, our sales are down over 80% and we desperately require help for an expedited buy box review if anyone has any advice how to do so.

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Tags:Account Health
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Books Buy Box Ineligibility Despite Excellent Metrics - $10m+/year seller

We have been a reputable Amazon book seller since 2017 selling tens of millions of dollars worth of sales, and are facing a buy box eligibility issue that has severely impacted the success of our business.

Some example ASINs we are not eligible for are: 3035802424, 8323350558, 0830787496 and 3838214811.

We have opened case ID 17390400701 and did not receive a helpful response. All of our metrics are excellent such as ODR below 0.1%, over 94% ODTR, over 90% positive feedback, and 1000 AHR.

Due to the ineligibility, our sales are down over 80% and we desperately require help for an expedited buy box review if anyone has any advice how to do so.

Tags:Account Health
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Books Buy Box Ineligibility Despite Excellent Metrics - $10m+/year seller

by Seller_W1guGvFN8YgUm

We have been a reputable Amazon book seller since 2017 selling tens of millions of dollars worth of sales, and are facing a buy box eligibility issue that has severely impacted the success of our business.

Some example ASINs we are not eligible for are: 3035802424, 8323350558, 0830787496 and 3838214811.

We have opened case ID 17390400701 and did not receive a helpful response. All of our metrics are excellent such as ODR below 0.1%, over 94% ODTR, over 90% positive feedback, and 1000 AHR.

Due to the ineligibility, our sales are down over 80% and we desperately require help for an expedited buy box review if anyone has any advice how to do so.

Tags:Account Health
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Well, we've been selling on Amazon about 20 years, excellent metrics. Our buybox percentage fluctuates between 1% and 8% for no reason. Get used to it. Amazon's criteria are completely opaque. Keep in mind that there are 1000's of other sellers who also want the buybox. You are not special.

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Well, we've been selling on Amazon about 20 years, excellent metrics. Our buybox percentage fluctuates between 1% and 8% for no reason. Get used to it. Amazon's criteria are completely opaque. Keep in mind that there are 1000's of other sellers who also want the buybox. You are not special.

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Well, we've been selling on Amazon about 20 years, excellent metrics. Our buybox percentage fluctuates between 1% and 8% for no reason. Get used to it. Amazon's criteria are completely opaque. Keep in mind that there are 1000's of other sellers who also want the buybox. You are not special.

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