By empty package I mean literally a polybag with a shipping label on it received in easy ship return order. How can it be even possible, what easy ship personnel was up to at time to collecting order. Events like this are really alarming for each and every seller. We sellers are working day and night for our business to grow and put lots of efforts to process every single order, after all this events like this are disheartening. I don't know whom to blame is it customers doing such things or delivery personnel, but something have to be done to stop this.
Please report this to the amazon and send some different item in exchange.
amazon is not bothered they have received money
they are not concerned with the loss of seller
Hey there @Seller_WurV4WqHj71Zt,
Did you appeal against this?
So usually for COD orders what happens is the delivery personnel takes out the stuff from the original box and takes the money from the customer. The customer gets the product and doesn't realize that the delivery agent marks it rejected or undeliverable. and then returns your box with some random or no stuff inside.
Nothing can be done. Amazon will not listen anything from we sellers,