Case #17435871231
Is there any way to help with this issue? We now have over 200 items pulled and flagged as "designed to block Police photo detection" All of these items are novelty License Plates and Frames and in no way are designed to interfere or evade police detection.
Seller support just responds with sending the policy back to us and I'm fairly certain a real person never actually reads our pleas for help .
I see that @Emet_Amazonwas involved but then dropped off the radar on @Seller_rcN2A5qu72gzk's post about this several days ago.
You could try tagging Emet again (oh, I guess I just did).
Make him earn those big mod bucks!
(Keep in mind, though, that for the most part, you're probably dealing with either bots/machines, or people who ride a yak to work and have no knowledge of actual vehicles. As a last resort, you could try going directly to the Leadership Team. Some of them may own cars.)
Hello @Seller_HZHdA2cYJnA3d
Case #17435871231
Thank you for the information provided regarding the recent issues you have had with the restriction of your novelty license plates. I do want to offer support so I reviewed the case information that you shared, and did see where our team has requested that the images on the ASIN be updated. Is this something that you think you might be able to do? Would you be able to provide the images of each side of the product?
I do want to understand what steps will be possible for you, and have you attempt to provide the information showing the product compliance prior to any other steps being taken. If you are unable to complete the actions requested from you, please refer back here with the update on the actions you have been able to take so we may see what next steps are available.
I will continue to monitor the situation, and will refer back to this thread once more details are available.