Send to Amazon: A Simplified Way to Create FBA Shipments
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Send to Amazon: A Simplified Way to Create FBA Shipments

Hello Sellers!

Let's review the Send to Amazon workflow, a streamlined process for creating FBA shipments:

Key Benefits:

  • Save time with simplified process steps
  • Flexible packing options (before or after shipment creation)
  • Create reusable case pack templates for single-SKU boxes
  • Pack single-SKU and mixed-SKU boxes
  • Compare carrier fees between individual boxes (SPD) and pallets (LTL)

Quick Start Guide:

Go to your Shipping Queue

Click "Send to Amazon" in the Shipments dropdown

Follow these workflow steps:

  • Step 1: Choose inventory to send
  1. Step 1b: Pack individual units
  • Step 2: Confirm shipping
  • Step 3: Print box labels
  • Step 4: Confirm carrier and pallet information (for pallet shipments)
  • Step 5: Print pallet labels (for Amazon partnered carrier pallet shipments)
  • Step 6: Tracking details (for non-Amazon partnered carrier shipments)

Important Notes:

  • You can switch between up to thirty active workflows
  • Only SKUs already converted to FBA are displayed
  • For LTL/FTL deliveries, only professional carriers can book appointments through Carrier Central
  • The workflow is compatible with FBA Inbound v2024 API

Need to modify or cancel your shipment? Visit "Send to Amazon: Change or cancel your shipment."

Have questions? Don't hesitate on reaching out to Seller Support.


3 replies
Tags:Engage with Amazon, Quick tips
3 replies
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In reply to: Josh_Amazon's post

In the old method, I could create a shipment with one keystroke and 8 mouse clicks, to ship in 30 books.

With the new "streamlined" system, the total number of keystroke/clicks is well over 100 (IIRC, about 170, but I'm not going to double check). Takes about 5 times as long to create a shipment now. (and that's not even counting the time required to download the SKU list and sort it, since it's no longer in SKU order if we just print it).

So PLEASE. No more "streamlining".

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