I received an intellectual property violation by the rights holder 3 weeks ago. They were requesting an authorization document from me. However, when I received ASIN approval, only the invoice was sufficient. So who would want to be a disturber of a brand by force? I explained to Amazon that this situation was the responsibility of the rights holder and that I could not show an authorization document, and that an authorization document was not requested when I received listing approval from Amazon. However, I stated that I would not send new stock for this ASIN again with my good intentions. Amazon allowed me to sell until my stocks ran out, but the rights holder sent me Received Intellectual Property Complaints again. I told Amazon that this was an unfair violation and that I could sell until my very small stocks ran out. I also proved the originality of the product in the previous violation. Afterwards, although I never renewed my stocks, it says ''counterfeit'' under the Received Intellectual Property Complaints title again. If I am going to encounter such nonsense even though I am selling original products, why should I sell original products and make less profit? I have 40 hours left to resolve the issue. Otherwise my account will be closed. This is a great injustice.
You are correct.
If you do not have the full support of the brand you are selling, the brand is capable of making your account look like its selling counterfeit inventory. There is a big risk selling any brand you do not have authorization to sell.
While Amazon approved your ASIN with just an invoice from a distributor, the brand itself reported your offer as counterfeit and Amazon accepted the claim. Its much more profitable to sell items from brands that do not commit this type of action.
"However, when I received ASIN approval, only the invoice was sufficient. "
More and more frequently Amazon is taking a TWO STEP approach and you were caught with not doing one of the steps (or either one!)
You are confusing AMAZON allowing you to list (or at least "ungate") an item or category and actually being APPROVED to sell a product. Amazon may have ungated you for a CATEGORY but there can be 100's of brands in the category and they ALL have their own restrictions.
AMAZON is only interested in FEES. They will allow a chimpanzee to list if it means they collect $$$$$.
Additionally, brands that you COULD sell yesterday may be restricted today or next week. Amazon is a moving target to deal with.
DO YOU have an LOA from the brand allowing you to sell on here?
NO, you do not!
More and more brands are providing a "whitelist" of their approved sellers and if YOU are NOT on the list you will be stopped in your tracks and probably hit with an IP violation, which you were.
DID YOU source from AUTHORIZED wholesale sources that your rep at the brand says are OK.
NOTE the verification is required from the brand that the source is legitimate and authorized, NOT from one of those touted on TikTok and YouTube as having "thousands of brands and products" that assures you that they are authorized.
If you have watched any YouTube or TikTok videos FORGET everything you saw there.
Spend hours/days on Seller U and read the Forum to see all the really creative ways rookies and experienced sellers find to get suspended by ignoring the advice above!
Hello @Seller_z4x5ZkppFncg2
Thank you for the information provided regarding the issues you have seen with the products you have been listing. I understand that you received intellectual property complaints from the brand owner and our team is now requiring authorization documents.
You mention previously that you were able to submit an invoice to sell the product, but now they are not accepting it. This will mean that initially they confirmed that you had the minimum requirements for selling.
However, per our anti-counterfeit policy, counterfeit can be any product being sold without the authorization from the brand owner. If they have communicated to our team that they do not wish for you to be distributing their product, our team must take action to restrict the sale.
The only way you could resolve this would be with an authorization letter.We cannot guarantee that you will be able to resolve this issue if you cannot provide the documentation that they have requested.
We do encourage you to continue to utilize this thread for any future questions or updates that you have.