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Ask Amazon: Q&A with the Product Assurance Team on the California Energy Commission registration requirement updates

Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon focused on the updates to the California Energy Commission (CEC) compliance for products in the following categories:Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, and Computer and Monitors. There are two main steps you need to take to reach compliance:

1) The product being sold must be properly registered under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

2) Once the product is registered in the CEC’s database, the Seller must update the a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Below are additional details about these steps:

1. Register under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

  • Review the CEC’s website, in particular the regulations, proceeding, and MAEDbS’ pages
  • Go to CEC’s MAEDbS login page
  • Create an account, if none exists already (Follow the General Registration Instructions attached with visuals found on this page)
  • img

  • Submit your appliance data (product information) to certify your products and get them registered. (Follow the Appliance Application instructions Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, Computer and Monitors)
  • After approval, validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC

2. Update Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after product is registered with CEC

  • Go to Manage Inventory
  • img

  • Click the edit button to the right of the product offer you want to update. This will take you to the Edit Product Info page.
  • img

  • Here you can update the model number, brand name, and manufacturing company name exactly as they are listed in the CEC database.
  • img

For more information please find the instructions in the Seller Central page.

We’ll leave this topic open today until 5 pm PST. You can post any questions you have as a reply; we ask you to keep it to one question per reply. If a question that you have has already been posted, give it a like and we’ll make sure to prioritize the most popular questions first. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place. In the meantime, our product assurance team is reviewing your questions and we’ll work to respond to them by 5 pm PST tomorrow (Nov 30th).

We are working to provide you with the best Seller Forums experience as possible. We welcome all feedback surrounding Ask Amazons so that we can continue to improve your experience.

We look forward to hearing your questions!

Resources and Links:
CEC Regulations (
CEC Proceeding (

MAEDbS login page (
MAEDbS General Registration Instructions (
Validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list. (

Certification Packets for Appliances
Lighting Products (
Pool Products & Portable Spa Products (
Portable Air Conditioners (
Computer and Monitors (

32 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
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Ask Amazon: Q&A with the Product Assurance Team on the California Energy Commission registration requirement updates

Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon focused on the updates to the California Energy Commission (CEC) compliance for products in the following categories:Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, and Computer and Monitors. There are two main steps you need to take to reach compliance:

1) The product being sold must be properly registered under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

2) Once the product is registered in the CEC’s database, the Seller must update the a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Below are additional details about these steps:

1. Register under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

  • Review the CEC’s website, in particular the regulations, proceeding, and MAEDbS’ pages
  • Go to CEC’s MAEDbS login page
  • Create an account, if none exists already (Follow the General Registration Instructions attached with visuals found on this page)
  • img

  • Submit your appliance data (product information) to certify your products and get them registered. (Follow the Appliance Application instructions Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, Computer and Monitors)
  • After approval, validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC

2. Update Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after product is registered with CEC

  • Go to Manage Inventory
  • img

  • Click the edit button to the right of the product offer you want to update. This will take you to the Edit Product Info page.
  • img

  • Here you can update the model number, brand name, and manufacturing company name exactly as they are listed in the CEC database.
  • img

For more information please find the instructions in the Seller Central page.

We’ll leave this topic open today until 5 pm PST. You can post any questions you have as a reply; we ask you to keep it to one question per reply. If a question that you have has already been posted, give it a like and we’ll make sure to prioritize the most popular questions first. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place. In the meantime, our product assurance team is reviewing your questions and we’ll work to respond to them by 5 pm PST tomorrow (Nov 30th).

We are working to provide you with the best Seller Forums experience as possible. We welcome all feedback surrounding Ask Amazons so that we can continue to improve your experience.

We look forward to hearing your questions!

Resources and Links:
CEC Regulations (
CEC Proceeding (

MAEDbS login page (
MAEDbS General Registration Instructions (
Validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list. (

Certification Packets for Appliances
Lighting Products (
Pool Products & Portable Spa Products (
Portable Air Conditioners (
Computer and Monitors (

Tags:Ask Amazon
32 replies
32 replies
user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

I have nothing to add or contribute to this topic, but @Kelly_Amazon , if I wanted to talk to you about a potential future Ask Amazon topic, would you be willing to open up a dialogue with me privately for that?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

When will Amazon make it so we can choose to turn off sales to certain states; California for example?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

Why are the screenshots being used for a product that would not require MAEDbs registration? Isn’t that a bit misleading for those who may not grasp what this new requirement is about?

In addition - as an example for a product that could potentially be required to be registered – your 3rd bullet point / screenshot image doesn’t address how Amazons system won’t allow a BRAND to be updated since it is a LOCKED field.

Just a couple of things I noticed.
Thank you.

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

I received the email notifying us that some of our ASINs would be affected and require the CEC standards. However, the link at the bottom of the email downloaded a list of ASINs that are not ours. How would I be able to find the correct list of all my affected ASINs?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

After we " validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC", how do we know that it will be able to be sold in CA? If there a confirmation or validation field?
Will Amazon manually validate products or is the process automated?
In short, how do we know asin’s are correctly set up to be sold in CA?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

If a product is not certified for CA, how does customer know? Do they find out when the add product to the cart?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

If we have 2 version of the same product, one for CA and the other for the other 49 states, can we make one of the bullet points cross reference the asin of the other product? for example, can a bullet point state “This product is not for sale in CA, please see asin: xxxxxxxxx for the CA version”

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

Hello @Fee,

Thank you for your question. While our Product Assurance team will try their best to provide you the list of all your products that require CEC registration, you can also view Information on the CEC efficiency standards and product registration requirements are available at the CEC’s website. Product(s) that belong to the categories - 1. Lightbulbs, 2. Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, 3. Portable Air Conditioners, or 4. Computers and Monitors require to be registered with CEC in order to be sold into California.


user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

We have products that are now matching per the guidance of a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Is there a way to confirm these are ready to go and will still be available in CA come Feb 2023? Is this still the date still accurate?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

How do we know which ASIN are affected?
Does Amazon notify us of every ASIN affected that we have sold or currently sell?
Who gets the email? The seller? The manufacture? Only Brand Registered Sellers?
Who is responsible for making the updates? The brand or the seller?

user profile

Ask Amazon: Q&A with the Product Assurance Team on the California Energy Commission registration requirement updates

Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon focused on the updates to the California Energy Commission (CEC) compliance for products in the following categories:Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, and Computer and Monitors. There are two main steps you need to take to reach compliance:

1) The product being sold must be properly registered under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

2) Once the product is registered in the CEC’s database, the Seller must update the a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Below are additional details about these steps:

1. Register under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

  • Review the CEC’s website, in particular the regulations, proceeding, and MAEDbS’ pages
  • Go to CEC’s MAEDbS login page
  • Create an account, if none exists already (Follow the General Registration Instructions attached with visuals found on this page)
  • img

  • Submit your appliance data (product information) to certify your products and get them registered. (Follow the Appliance Application instructions Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, Computer and Monitors)
  • After approval, validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC

2. Update Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after product is registered with CEC

  • Go to Manage Inventory
  • img

  • Click the edit button to the right of the product offer you want to update. This will take you to the Edit Product Info page.
  • img

  • Here you can update the model number, brand name, and manufacturing company name exactly as they are listed in the CEC database.
  • img

For more information please find the instructions in the Seller Central page.

We’ll leave this topic open today until 5 pm PST. You can post any questions you have as a reply; we ask you to keep it to one question per reply. If a question that you have has already been posted, give it a like and we’ll make sure to prioritize the most popular questions first. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place. In the meantime, our product assurance team is reviewing your questions and we’ll work to respond to them by 5 pm PST tomorrow (Nov 30th).

We are working to provide you with the best Seller Forums experience as possible. We welcome all feedback surrounding Ask Amazons so that we can continue to improve your experience.

We look forward to hearing your questions!

Resources and Links:
CEC Regulations (
CEC Proceeding (

MAEDbS login page (
MAEDbS General Registration Instructions (
Validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list. (

Certification Packets for Appliances
Lighting Products (
Pool Products & Portable Spa Products (
Portable Air Conditioners (
Computer and Monitors (

32 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
user profile

Ask Amazon: Q&A with the Product Assurance Team on the California Energy Commission registration requirement updates

Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon focused on the updates to the California Energy Commission (CEC) compliance for products in the following categories:Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, and Computer and Monitors. There are two main steps you need to take to reach compliance:

1) The product being sold must be properly registered under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

2) Once the product is registered in the CEC’s database, the Seller must update the a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Below are additional details about these steps:

1. Register under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

  • Review the CEC’s website, in particular the regulations, proceeding, and MAEDbS’ pages
  • Go to CEC’s MAEDbS login page
  • Create an account, if none exists already (Follow the General Registration Instructions attached with visuals found on this page)
  • img

  • Submit your appliance data (product information) to certify your products and get them registered. (Follow the Appliance Application instructions Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, Computer and Monitors)
  • After approval, validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC

2. Update Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after product is registered with CEC

  • Go to Manage Inventory
  • img

  • Click the edit button to the right of the product offer you want to update. This will take you to the Edit Product Info page.
  • img

  • Here you can update the model number, brand name, and manufacturing company name exactly as they are listed in the CEC database.
  • img

For more information please find the instructions in the Seller Central page.

We’ll leave this topic open today until 5 pm PST. You can post any questions you have as a reply; we ask you to keep it to one question per reply. If a question that you have has already been posted, give it a like and we’ll make sure to prioritize the most popular questions first. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place. In the meantime, our product assurance team is reviewing your questions and we’ll work to respond to them by 5 pm PST tomorrow (Nov 30th).

We are working to provide you with the best Seller Forums experience as possible. We welcome all feedback surrounding Ask Amazons so that we can continue to improve your experience.

We look forward to hearing your questions!

Resources and Links:
CEC Regulations (
CEC Proceeding (

MAEDbS login page (
MAEDbS General Registration Instructions (
Validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list. (

Certification Packets for Appliances
Lighting Products (
Pool Products & Portable Spa Products (
Portable Air Conditioners (
Computer and Monitors (

Tags:Ask Amazon
32 replies
user profile

Ask Amazon: Q&A with the Product Assurance Team on the California Energy Commission registration requirement updates

by Kelly_Amazon

Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon focused on the updates to the California Energy Commission (CEC) compliance for products in the following categories:Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, and Computer and Monitors. There are two main steps you need to take to reach compliance:

1) The product being sold must be properly registered under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

2) Once the product is registered in the CEC’s database, the Seller must update the a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Below are additional details about these steps:

1. Register under the CEC’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database System (MAEDbS)

  • Review the CEC’s website, in particular the regulations, proceeding, and MAEDbS’ pages
  • Go to CEC’s MAEDbS login page
  • Create an account, if none exists already (Follow the General Registration Instructions attached with visuals found on this page)
  • img

  • Submit your appliance data (product information) to certify your products and get them registered. (Follow the Appliance Application instructions Lighting Products, Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, Portable air conditioners, Computer and Monitors)
  • After approval, validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC

2. Update Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after product is registered with CEC

  • Go to Manage Inventory
  • img

  • Click the edit button to the right of the product offer you want to update. This will take you to the Edit Product Info page.
  • img

  • Here you can update the model number, brand name, and manufacturing company name exactly as they are listed in the CEC database.
  • img

For more information please find the instructions in the Seller Central page.

We’ll leave this topic open today until 5 pm PST. You can post any questions you have as a reply; we ask you to keep it to one question per reply. If a question that you have has already been posted, give it a like and we’ll make sure to prioritize the most popular questions first. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place. In the meantime, our product assurance team is reviewing your questions and we’ll work to respond to them by 5 pm PST tomorrow (Nov 30th).

We are working to provide you with the best Seller Forums experience as possible. We welcome all feedback surrounding Ask Amazons so that we can continue to improve your experience.

We look forward to hearing your questions!

Resources and Links:
CEC Regulations (
CEC Proceeding (

MAEDbS login page (
MAEDbS General Registration Instructions (
Validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list. (

Certification Packets for Appliances
Lighting Products (
Pool Products & Portable Spa Products (
Portable Air Conditioners (
Computer and Monitors (

Tags:Ask Amazon
32 replies
32 replies
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user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

I have nothing to add or contribute to this topic, but @Kelly_Amazon , if I wanted to talk to you about a potential future Ask Amazon topic, would you be willing to open up a dialogue with me privately for that?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

When will Amazon make it so we can choose to turn off sales to certain states; California for example?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

Why are the screenshots being used for a product that would not require MAEDbs registration? Isn’t that a bit misleading for those who may not grasp what this new requirement is about?

In addition - as an example for a product that could potentially be required to be registered – your 3rd bullet point / screenshot image doesn’t address how Amazons system won’t allow a BRAND to be updated since it is a LOCKED field.

Just a couple of things I noticed.
Thank you.

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

I received the email notifying us that some of our ASINs would be affected and require the CEC standards. However, the link at the bottom of the email downloaded a list of ASINs that are not ours. How would I be able to find the correct list of all my affected ASINs?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

After we " validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC", how do we know that it will be able to be sold in CA? If there a confirmation or validation field?
Will Amazon manually validate products or is the process automated?
In short, how do we know asin’s are correctly set up to be sold in CA?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

If a product is not certified for CA, how does customer know? Do they find out when the add product to the cart?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

If we have 2 version of the same product, one for CA and the other for the other 49 states, can we make one of the bullet points cross reference the asin of the other product? for example, can a bullet point state “This product is not for sale in CA, please see asin: xxxxxxxxx for the CA version”

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

Hello @Fee,

Thank you for your question. While our Product Assurance team will try their best to provide you the list of all your products that require CEC registration, you can also view Information on the CEC efficiency standards and product registration requirements are available at the CEC’s website. Product(s) that belong to the categories - 1. Lightbulbs, 2. Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, 3. Portable Air Conditioners, or 4. Computers and Monitors require to be registered with CEC in order to be sold into California.


user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

We have products that are now matching per the guidance of a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Is there a way to confirm these are ready to go and will still be available in CA come Feb 2023? Is this still the date still accurate?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

How do we know which ASIN are affected?
Does Amazon notify us of every ASIN affected that we have sold or currently sell?
Who gets the email? The seller? The manufacture? Only Brand Registered Sellers?
Who is responsible for making the updates? The brand or the seller?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

I have nothing to add or contribute to this topic, but @Kelly_Amazon , if I wanted to talk to you about a potential future Ask Amazon topic, would you be willing to open up a dialogue with me privately for that?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

I have nothing to add or contribute to this topic, but @Kelly_Amazon , if I wanted to talk to you about a potential future Ask Amazon topic, would you be willing to open up a dialogue with me privately for that?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

When will Amazon make it so we can choose to turn off sales to certain states; California for example?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

When will Amazon make it so we can choose to turn off sales to certain states; California for example?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

Why are the screenshots being used for a product that would not require MAEDbs registration? Isn’t that a bit misleading for those who may not grasp what this new requirement is about?

In addition - as an example for a product that could potentially be required to be registered – your 3rd bullet point / screenshot image doesn’t address how Amazons system won’t allow a BRAND to be updated since it is a LOCKED field.

Just a couple of things I noticed.
Thank you.

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

Why are the screenshots being used for a product that would not require MAEDbs registration? Isn’t that a bit misleading for those who may not grasp what this new requirement is about?

In addition - as an example for a product that could potentially be required to be registered – your 3rd bullet point / screenshot image doesn’t address how Amazons system won’t allow a BRAND to be updated since it is a LOCKED field.

Just a couple of things I noticed.
Thank you.

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

I received the email notifying us that some of our ASINs would be affected and require the CEC standards. However, the link at the bottom of the email downloaded a list of ASINs that are not ours. How would I be able to find the correct list of all my affected ASINs?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

I received the email notifying us that some of our ASINs would be affected and require the CEC standards. However, the link at the bottom of the email downloaded a list of ASINs that are not ours. How would I be able to find the correct list of all my affected ASINs?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

After we " validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC", how do we know that it will be able to be sold in CA? If there a confirmation or validation field?
Will Amazon manually validate products or is the process automated?
In short, how do we know asin’s are correctly set up to be sold in CA?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

After we " validate that your registered and approved product is now present in this list and clearly show your product model number, manufacturing company name, and brand name. Update the Amazon Detail Page (catalog) after your product is registered with CEC", how do we know that it will be able to be sold in CA? If there a confirmation or validation field?
Will Amazon manually validate products or is the process automated?
In short, how do we know asin’s are correctly set up to be sold in CA?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

If a product is not certified for CA, how does customer know? Do they find out when the add product to the cart?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

If a product is not certified for CA, how does customer know? Do they find out when the add product to the cart?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

If we have 2 version of the same product, one for CA and the other for the other 49 states, can we make one of the bullet points cross reference the asin of the other product? for example, can a bullet point state “This product is not for sale in CA, please see asin: xxxxxxxxx for the CA version”

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

If we have 2 version of the same product, one for CA and the other for the other 49 states, can we make one of the bullet points cross reference the asin of the other product? for example, can a bullet point state “This product is not for sale in CA, please see asin: xxxxxxxxx for the CA version”

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

Hello @Fee,

Thank you for your question. While our Product Assurance team will try their best to provide you the list of all your products that require CEC registration, you can also view Information on the CEC efficiency standards and product registration requirements are available at the CEC’s website. Product(s) that belong to the categories - 1. Lightbulbs, 2. Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, 3. Portable Air Conditioners, or 4. Computers and Monitors require to be registered with CEC in order to be sold into California.


user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

Hello @Fee,

Thank you for your question. While our Product Assurance team will try their best to provide you the list of all your products that require CEC registration, you can also view Information on the CEC efficiency standards and product registration requirements are available at the CEC’s website. Product(s) that belong to the categories - 1. Lightbulbs, 2. Pool Products & Portable Spa Products, 3. Portable Air Conditioners, or 4. Computers and Monitors require to be registered with CEC in order to be sold into California.


user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

We have products that are now matching per the guidance of a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Is there a way to confirm these are ready to go and will still be available in CA come Feb 2023? Is this still the date still accurate?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

We have products that are now matching per the guidance of a) model number, b) manufacturing company name, and c) brand name of the product on the Amazon detail page (catalog).

Is there a way to confirm these are ready to go and will still be available in CA come Feb 2023? Is this still the date still accurate?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

How do we know which ASIN are affected?
Does Amazon notify us of every ASIN affected that we have sold or currently sell?
Who gets the email? The seller? The manufacture? Only Brand Registered Sellers?
Who is responsible for making the updates? The brand or the seller?

user profile
In reply to: Kelly_Amazon's post

How do we know which ASIN are affected?
Does Amazon notify us of every ASIN affected that we have sold or currently sell?
Who gets the email? The seller? The manufacture? Only Brand Registered Sellers?
Who is responsible for making the updates? The brand or the seller?


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