Identity Verification (Reverify) DON‘T WORK
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Identity Verification (Reverify) DON‘T WORK

Hi, Amazon Team

My account closed due to INFORM Consumers Act.

However, I'm unable to reverify my identity.

When I click the link "Identity Verification (Reverify)" it redirects me to the Amazon seller help page. I started SO MANY CASES, for example ID 17196092321, ID 17201017521, but all reply i received are all the same wothout a word change. it seems my case go to a robot directly without being handled.

Thank you.

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Tags:Account Health
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Have you got through the door yet? Are you selling on the site? Are you a new seller enrolling for the first time? Are you located in the USA or another country? Each one has a different answer.

If you are getting the same auto response, that is a sure sign that something was not correct the first time and has not been corrected as of yet.

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