We’ve updated the policy on dietary supplements to meet safety standards in our store. Effective April 2, 2024, dietary supplement products need to be verified through a third-party Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) organization.
The Manage Your Compliance dashboard shows listings for dietary supplements that require your action along with the due dates under Compliance status. Listings may be subject to removal if they are not confirmed as being compliant with our policy by the specified due date.
To ensure that your listings are compliant with our policy, you must use the Manage Your Compliance dashboard to initiate a test for each product with one of the third-party TIC organizations. Once testing is requested, you’ll work directly with the third-party TIC organization to complete the testing of your products. For testing instructions, go to the Manage Your Compliance dashboard and select Add or appeal compliance.
Once we receive a test result that confirms compliance with our policy, your product will be eligible for sale on Amazon.
We will host a live webinar on April 17, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time to cover Amazon’s policy on selling dietary supplements and to answer any of your questions.
Register here for the webinar
For more information, go to Dietary supplements.