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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrollment


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions with Brand Registry enrollment.

This topic will be open today, 5/16/2023, until 5 PM PST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrollment.

But first: What do I need to get enrolled in Brand Registry?

If you’re a brand owner and have a pending or registered trademark for your brand, enroll in Amazon Brand Registry to get access to tools available solely to brand owners.

If you don't have a trademark yet, we encourage you to take advantage of the Amazon IP Accelerator program, which can help connect you with trusted IP law firms that provide trademark registration services at competitive rates.

*Please keep in mind that Brand Registry itself must be enrolled by the Trademark owner. Brand Registry applications submitted by agents/distributors will be declined.

Registered the trademark? Here are 3 Common Brand Registry decline reasons you should know before submitting the application.

1. Brand name does not match trademark: Brand names must match the trademark text EXACTLY to be approved. Space sensitivity applies. For example if you register your trademark as '“Buy with prime” but your application shows “BuywithPrime” it will not get approved.

2. Image guidelines for Brand Registry application: The brand name of your trademark must be clearly visible and permanently affixed to your products or packaging. This means the logo or brand name should not be attached in a way it could easily be removed off the product itself or off of the packaging. The Brand name should also not be photoshopped or computer generated on the product. Example: If you are selling clothing, permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.


3. Mark type mismatch: The mark type must match with the mark type on the associated trademark. If a trademark is a Design mark, the mark image must be an exact match with the mark image on the associated trademark. Please don’t upload your full trademark certificate if you have one.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM PST tomorrow, 5/17.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrollment


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions with Brand Registry enrollment.

This topic will be open today, 5/16/2023, until 5 PM PST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrollment.

But first: What do I need to get enrolled in Brand Registry?

If you’re a brand owner and have a pending or registered trademark for your brand, enroll in Amazon Brand Registry to get access to tools available solely to brand owners.

If you don't have a trademark yet, we encourage you to take advantage of the Amazon IP Accelerator program, which can help connect you with trusted IP law firms that provide trademark registration services at competitive rates.

*Please keep in mind that Brand Registry itself must be enrolled by the Trademark owner. Brand Registry applications submitted by agents/distributors will be declined.

Registered the trademark? Here are 3 Common Brand Registry decline reasons you should know before submitting the application.

1. Brand name does not match trademark: Brand names must match the trademark text EXACTLY to be approved. Space sensitivity applies. For example if you register your trademark as '“Buy with prime” but your application shows “BuywithPrime” it will not get approved.

2. Image guidelines for Brand Registry application: The brand name of your trademark must be clearly visible and permanently affixed to your products or packaging. This means the logo or brand name should not be attached in a way it could easily be removed off the product itself or off of the packaging. The Brand name should also not be photoshopped or computer generated on the product. Example: If you are selling clothing, permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.


3. Mark type mismatch: The mark type must match with the mark type on the associated trademark. If a trademark is a Design mark, the mark image must be an exact match with the mark image on the associated trademark. Please don’t upload your full trademark certificate if you have one.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM PST tomorrow, 5/17.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Good afternoon,

One question, my intention is to sell in the United States market, and I live in Spain. Do I have to have a registered trademark in Spain or the United States to access trademark benefits? Thank you so much, all the best.


Best Regards.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post


I run an e-commerce website called The Game Sanctum. Whilst we mostly sell other brands, we have a range of private label accessories under different brand names.

I am considering Brand Registry with Amazon with my main brand name "The Game Sanctum", because it will be too costly registering all of our private label products individually.

I have 2 questions.

1) We often use the same branded box (printed box, not just a sticker) for different types of products. Can we use the same box for different SKU/ASIN's for FBA? Obviously we would label them all the correctly for different products, but are we able to use the exact same type of branded box for different products?

2) I believe "The Game Sanctum" is quite long for a brand name, especially on Amazon as you recommend putting the brand name before the product title. My issue is that the rest of the title won't be seen by customers due to the length of the brand name. Do you think this is an issue?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I have an approved brand on Brand Registry but it does not seem that helpful in being able to protect who is allowed to add and sell my brand. It seems that if someone "hijacks" my products, I must first do a test buy and purchase the counterfeit item from the other seller. As the sole maker and distributor, there should be a more simple way given all of the verification we need to be approved for brand registry.

I am active on Brand Registry but how can I prevent other sellers from adding my asin as I am the sole distributor of my brand?

Also, how can we submit violations without doing a test buy?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

hello. i have a pending trademark for a logo design of my company. I followed everything through brand registry setup and got this email. The 50 pcs requirement isn’t logistically possible because 1.) I source from China, 2.) Hire a freight forwarder to inspect, pack, and ship directly to Amazon warehouse 3.) My goods are en route to Amazon warehouse as we speak. I havent heard of this requirement and is there any way around this?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I live in USA and sell a product from a Colombia brand. I am not the owner of the brand but I have full authorization to register the brand in United States, so I can get the benefits of brand register on Amazon.

Will I be able to get the approval of the brand registry under the explained scenario?

Do I need to submit a contract where the owner gives me full authorization? What would be the the best move?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

When you say " permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.", I'm still confused. I was going to have a tag sew into the seam on a dish towel. Would that not suffice? It is sewn in.

Also, on the jungle scout video on brand registry, they talk about how you can have a label on a box but make sure it stays on. It sounds like that will not work-you have to have a sewn in label on each item, right?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post


How long does it typically take for a brand registry application to be reviewed? I submitted an application on May 8th and I am still to hear back.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I just got approved yesterday for Brand registry. What would you recommend I do first? What are the most beneficial things I can implement having brand registry?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

can i used my business name as a brand name o sold by bla bla bla llc?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

My company is the brand owner for Lane Innovative products and we had our brand registry docs approved years ago and now we are no longer approved - i tried to resubmit but I got this message though all my docs are up to date and legitimate :

As a part of the appeal process, a detailed investigation was conducted based on the (i) information available in our internal systems, and (ii) information and documents provided by you. After carefully reviewing the information and documents, we have concluded that the brand/user has engaged in abusive conduct as per our policy.

I messaged through my case log two times without a response. I wish i could deal with someone live by phone but how can I reactivate my brand registry -? I have no idea what "abuse" is referred to as we have one item on FBA and the others we ship direct, can someone please assist?

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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrollment


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions with Brand Registry enrollment.

This topic will be open today, 5/16/2023, until 5 PM PST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrollment.

But first: What do I need to get enrolled in Brand Registry?

If you’re a brand owner and have a pending or registered trademark for your brand, enroll in Amazon Brand Registry to get access to tools available solely to brand owners.

If you don't have a trademark yet, we encourage you to take advantage of the Amazon IP Accelerator program, which can help connect you with trusted IP law firms that provide trademark registration services at competitive rates.

*Please keep in mind that Brand Registry itself must be enrolled by the Trademark owner. Brand Registry applications submitted by agents/distributors will be declined.

Registered the trademark? Here are 3 Common Brand Registry decline reasons you should know before submitting the application.

1. Brand name does not match trademark: Brand names must match the trademark text EXACTLY to be approved. Space sensitivity applies. For example if you register your trademark as '“Buy with prime” but your application shows “BuywithPrime” it will not get approved.

2. Image guidelines for Brand Registry application: The brand name of your trademark must be clearly visible and permanently affixed to your products or packaging. This means the logo or brand name should not be attached in a way it could easily be removed off the product itself or off of the packaging. The Brand name should also not be photoshopped or computer generated on the product. Example: If you are selling clothing, permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.


3. Mark type mismatch: The mark type must match with the mark type on the associated trademark. If a trademark is a Design mark, the mark image must be an exact match with the mark image on the associated trademark. Please don’t upload your full trademark certificate if you have one.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM PST tomorrow, 5/17.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

131 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrollment


Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions with Brand Registry enrollment.

This topic will be open today, 5/16/2023, until 5 PM PST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrollment.

But first: What do I need to get enrolled in Brand Registry?

If you’re a brand owner and have a pending or registered trademark for your brand, enroll in Amazon Brand Registry to get access to tools available solely to brand owners.

If you don't have a trademark yet, we encourage you to take advantage of the Amazon IP Accelerator program, which can help connect you with trusted IP law firms that provide trademark registration services at competitive rates.

*Please keep in mind that Brand Registry itself must be enrolled by the Trademark owner. Brand Registry applications submitted by agents/distributors will be declined.

Registered the trademark? Here are 3 Common Brand Registry decline reasons you should know before submitting the application.

1. Brand name does not match trademark: Brand names must match the trademark text EXACTLY to be approved. Space sensitivity applies. For example if you register your trademark as '“Buy with prime” but your application shows “BuywithPrime” it will not get approved.

2. Image guidelines for Brand Registry application: The brand name of your trademark must be clearly visible and permanently affixed to your products or packaging. This means the logo or brand name should not be attached in a way it could easily be removed off the product itself or off of the packaging. The Brand name should also not be photoshopped or computer generated on the product. Example: If you are selling clothing, permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.


3. Mark type mismatch: The mark type must match with the mark type on the associated trademark. If a trademark is a Design mark, the mark image must be an exact match with the mark image on the associated trademark. Please don’t upload your full trademark certificate if you have one.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM PST tomorrow, 5/17.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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Ask Amazon: Brand Registry Enrollment

by Blake_Amazon

Hello Sellers,

Welcome to our Ask Amazon Q&A with the Amazon Brand Registry team, focusing on your questions with Brand Registry enrollment.

This topic will be open today, 5/16/2023, until 5 PM PST. We have moderators closely watching this thread throughout the day, and they may merge posts with similar questions so we can answer them all in one place.

We encourage you to use this thread to ask questions related to Brand Registry enrollment.

But first: What do I need to get enrolled in Brand Registry?

If you’re a brand owner and have a pending or registered trademark for your brand, enroll in Amazon Brand Registry to get access to tools available solely to brand owners.

If you don't have a trademark yet, we encourage you to take advantage of the Amazon IP Accelerator program, which can help connect you with trusted IP law firms that provide trademark registration services at competitive rates.

*Please keep in mind that Brand Registry itself must be enrolled by the Trademark owner. Brand Registry applications submitted by agents/distributors will be declined.

Registered the trademark? Here are 3 Common Brand Registry decline reasons you should know before submitting the application.

1. Brand name does not match trademark: Brand names must match the trademark text EXACTLY to be approved. Space sensitivity applies. For example if you register your trademark as '“Buy with prime” but your application shows “BuywithPrime” it will not get approved.

2. Image guidelines for Brand Registry application: The brand name of your trademark must be clearly visible and permanently affixed to your products or packaging. This means the logo or brand name should not be attached in a way it could easily be removed off the product itself or off of the packaging. The Brand name should also not be photoshopped or computer generated on the product. Example: If you are selling clothing, permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.


3. Mark type mismatch: The mark type must match with the mark type on the associated trademark. If a trademark is a Design mark, the mark image must be an exact match with the mark image on the associated trademark. Please don’t upload your full trademark certificate if you have one.

Our Brand Registry team is reviewing your questions and we’ll do our best to respond to them by 5 PM PST tomorrow, 5/17.

Please note that the team cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Good afternoon,

One question, my intention is to sell in the United States market, and I live in Spain. Do I have to have a registered trademark in Spain or the United States to access trademark benefits? Thank you so much, all the best.


Best Regards.

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post


I run an e-commerce website called The Game Sanctum. Whilst we mostly sell other brands, we have a range of private label accessories under different brand names.

I am considering Brand Registry with Amazon with my main brand name "The Game Sanctum", because it will be too costly registering all of our private label products individually.

I have 2 questions.

1) We often use the same branded box (printed box, not just a sticker) for different types of products. Can we use the same box for different SKU/ASIN's for FBA? Obviously we would label them all the correctly for different products, but are we able to use the exact same type of branded box for different products?

2) I believe "The Game Sanctum" is quite long for a brand name, especially on Amazon as you recommend putting the brand name before the product title. My issue is that the rest of the title won't be seen by customers due to the length of the brand name. Do you think this is an issue?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I have an approved brand on Brand Registry but it does not seem that helpful in being able to protect who is allowed to add and sell my brand. It seems that if someone "hijacks" my products, I must first do a test buy and purchase the counterfeit item from the other seller. As the sole maker and distributor, there should be a more simple way given all of the verification we need to be approved for brand registry.

I am active on Brand Registry but how can I prevent other sellers from adding my asin as I am the sole distributor of my brand?

Also, how can we submit violations without doing a test buy?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

hello. i have a pending trademark for a logo design of my company. I followed everything through brand registry setup and got this email. The 50 pcs requirement isn’t logistically possible because 1.) I source from China, 2.) Hire a freight forwarder to inspect, pack, and ship directly to Amazon warehouse 3.) My goods are en route to Amazon warehouse as we speak. I havent heard of this requirement and is there any way around this?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I live in USA and sell a product from a Colombia brand. I am not the owner of the brand but I have full authorization to register the brand in United States, so I can get the benefits of brand register on Amazon.

Will I be able to get the approval of the brand registry under the explained scenario?

Do I need to submit a contract where the owner gives me full authorization? What would be the the best move?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

When you say " permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.", I'm still confused. I was going to have a tag sew into the seam on a dish towel. Would that not suffice? It is sewn in.

Also, on the jungle scout video on brand registry, they talk about how you can have a label on a box but make sure it stays on. It sounds like that will not work-you have to have a sewn in label on each item, right?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post


How long does it typically take for a brand registry application to be reviewed? I submitted an application on May 8th and I am still to hear back.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I just got approved yesterday for Brand registry. What would you recommend I do first? What are the most beneficial things I can implement having brand registry?

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

can i used my business name as a brand name o sold by bla bla bla llc?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

My company is the brand owner for Lane Innovative products and we had our brand registry docs approved years ago and now we are no longer approved - i tried to resubmit but I got this message though all my docs are up to date and legitimate :

As a part of the appeal process, a detailed investigation was conducted based on the (i) information available in our internal systems, and (ii) information and documents provided by you. After carefully reviewing the information and documents, we have concluded that the brand/user has engaged in abusive conduct as per our policy.

I messaged through my case log two times without a response. I wish i could deal with someone live by phone but how can I reactivate my brand registry -? I have no idea what "abuse" is referred to as we have one item on FBA and the others we ship direct, can someone please assist?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Good afternoon,

One question, my intention is to sell in the United States market, and I live in Spain. Do I have to have a registered trademark in Spain or the United States to access trademark benefits? Thank you so much, all the best.


Best Regards.

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

Good afternoon,

One question, my intention is to sell in the United States market, and I live in Spain. Do I have to have a registered trademark in Spain or the United States to access trademark benefits? Thank you so much, all the best.


Best Regards.

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post


I run an e-commerce website called The Game Sanctum. Whilst we mostly sell other brands, we have a range of private label accessories under different brand names.

I am considering Brand Registry with Amazon with my main brand name "The Game Sanctum", because it will be too costly registering all of our private label products individually.

I have 2 questions.

1) We often use the same branded box (printed box, not just a sticker) for different types of products. Can we use the same box for different SKU/ASIN's for FBA? Obviously we would label them all the correctly for different products, but are we able to use the exact same type of branded box for different products?

2) I believe "The Game Sanctum" is quite long for a brand name, especially on Amazon as you recommend putting the brand name before the product title. My issue is that the rest of the title won't be seen by customers due to the length of the brand name. Do you think this is an issue?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post


I run an e-commerce website called The Game Sanctum. Whilst we mostly sell other brands, we have a range of private label accessories under different brand names.

I am considering Brand Registry with Amazon with my main brand name "The Game Sanctum", because it will be too costly registering all of our private label products individually.

I have 2 questions.

1) We often use the same branded box (printed box, not just a sticker) for different types of products. Can we use the same box for different SKU/ASIN's for FBA? Obviously we would label them all the correctly for different products, but are we able to use the exact same type of branded box for different products?

2) I believe "The Game Sanctum" is quite long for a brand name, especially on Amazon as you recommend putting the brand name before the product title. My issue is that the rest of the title won't be seen by customers due to the length of the brand name. Do you think this is an issue?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I have an approved brand on Brand Registry but it does not seem that helpful in being able to protect who is allowed to add and sell my brand. It seems that if someone "hijacks" my products, I must first do a test buy and purchase the counterfeit item from the other seller. As the sole maker and distributor, there should be a more simple way given all of the verification we need to be approved for brand registry.

I am active on Brand Registry but how can I prevent other sellers from adding my asin as I am the sole distributor of my brand?

Also, how can we submit violations without doing a test buy?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I have an approved brand on Brand Registry but it does not seem that helpful in being able to protect who is allowed to add and sell my brand. It seems that if someone "hijacks" my products, I must first do a test buy and purchase the counterfeit item from the other seller. As the sole maker and distributor, there should be a more simple way given all of the verification we need to be approved for brand registry.

I am active on Brand Registry but how can I prevent other sellers from adding my asin as I am the sole distributor of my brand?

Also, how can we submit violations without doing a test buy?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

hello. i have a pending trademark for a logo design of my company. I followed everything through brand registry setup and got this email. The 50 pcs requirement isn’t logistically possible because 1.) I source from China, 2.) Hire a freight forwarder to inspect, pack, and ship directly to Amazon warehouse 3.) My goods are en route to Amazon warehouse as we speak. I havent heard of this requirement and is there any way around this?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

hello. i have a pending trademark for a logo design of my company. I followed everything through brand registry setup and got this email. The 50 pcs requirement isn’t logistically possible because 1.) I source from China, 2.) Hire a freight forwarder to inspect, pack, and ship directly to Amazon warehouse 3.) My goods are en route to Amazon warehouse as we speak. I havent heard of this requirement and is there any way around this?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I live in USA and sell a product from a Colombia brand. I am not the owner of the brand but I have full authorization to register the brand in United States, so I can get the benefits of brand register on Amazon.

Will I be able to get the approval of the brand registry under the explained scenario?

Do I need to submit a contract where the owner gives me full authorization? What would be the the best move?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I live in USA and sell a product from a Colombia brand. I am not the owner of the brand but I have full authorization to register the brand in United States, so I can get the benefits of brand register on Amazon.

Will I be able to get the approval of the brand registry under the explained scenario?

Do I need to submit a contract where the owner gives me full authorization? What would be the the best move?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

When you say " permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.", I'm still confused. I was going to have a tag sew into the seam on a dish towel. Would that not suffice? It is sewn in.

Also, on the jungle scout video on brand registry, they talk about how you can have a label on a box but make sure it stays on. It sounds like that will not work-you have to have a sewn in label on each item, right?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

When you say " permanently affixed means the brand name/label is sewn on to the shirt. If you have the brand name/label attached with a tag, this is not considered permanently affixed.", I'm still confused. I was going to have a tag sew into the seam on a dish towel. Would that not suffice? It is sewn in.

Also, on the jungle scout video on brand registry, they talk about how you can have a label on a box but make sure it stays on. It sounds like that will not work-you have to have a sewn in label on each item, right?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post


How long does it typically take for a brand registry application to be reviewed? I submitted an application on May 8th and I am still to hear back.

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In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post


How long does it typically take for a brand registry application to be reviewed? I submitted an application on May 8th and I am still to hear back.

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I just got approved yesterday for Brand registry. What would you recommend I do first? What are the most beneficial things I can implement having brand registry?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

I just got approved yesterday for Brand registry. What would you recommend I do first? What are the most beneficial things I can implement having brand registry?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

can i used my business name as a brand name o sold by bla bla bla llc?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

can i used my business name as a brand name o sold by bla bla bla llc?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

My company is the brand owner for Lane Innovative products and we had our brand registry docs approved years ago and now we are no longer approved - i tried to resubmit but I got this message though all my docs are up to date and legitimate :

As a part of the appeal process, a detailed investigation was conducted based on the (i) information available in our internal systems, and (ii) information and documents provided by you. After carefully reviewing the information and documents, we have concluded that the brand/user has engaged in abusive conduct as per our policy.

I messaged through my case log two times without a response. I wish i could deal with someone live by phone but how can I reactivate my brand registry -? I have no idea what "abuse" is referred to as we have one item on FBA and the others we ship direct, can someone please assist?

user profile
In reply to: Blake_Amazon's post

My company is the brand owner for Lane Innovative products and we had our brand registry docs approved years ago and now we are no longer approved - i tried to resubmit but I got this message though all my docs are up to date and legitimate :

As a part of the appeal process, a detailed investigation was conducted based on the (i) information available in our internal systems, and (ii) information and documents provided by you. After carefully reviewing the information and documents, we have concluded that the brand/user has engaged in abusive conduct as per our policy.

I messaged through my case log two times without a response. I wish i could deal with someone live by phone but how can I reactivate my brand registry -? I have no idea what "abuse" is referred to as we have one item on FBA and the others we ship direct, can someone please assist?


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