Need Assitance w/Seller Account
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Need Assitance w/Seller Account

We currently have a Seller Account w/Amazon Prime and need to speak to someone to assist us with the "ownership," and how to add more products of our Sellers Account,

[Moderator edit: removed personal information]

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Tags:New product line
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Please edit this to REMOVE the website as it is a violation of policy AND exposes all your information to every con artist in the world.

This Forum can be read by anyone out there.

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Hello @Seller_nPL3Tj5xkwvwG

These are forums for sellers to help sellers, and they are moderated by Amazon Community Managers.

I have edited your post to remove your personal information. It is a violation of our forum guidelines for anyone to post personally identifiable information. Because this is a public forum that can be read by the public. Only sellers who are registered to sell on Amazon may start discussions and participate in discussions by posting.

Thank you for your understanding.


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Learning to add items may be done through Seller University. You can find this under Learn in seller central.

I do not understand what you mean by ownership. Did you buy the account from someone? Are you having issues activating the account? We need more information to assist you.

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