AWD Case Packs
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AWD Case Packs

Hi all,

We're starting to use AWD and have a question about case packs.

Our product is quite small, so we can fit 500 units into a case pack when sending direct into AWD.

I'm concerned that this will cause issues with auto-replenishing into FBA, as the FBA case pack limit is 150 units.

Has anyone run into issues like this? Or does anyone regularly ship case packs with more than 150 units into AWD and uses the auto-replenishment into FBA?

We would very much prefer to do case packs of 500 units and save on the per-box fee with AWD, but we don't want to cause issues when AWD replenishes FBA.

Also for reference - We already are over the 150 unit "case pack limit" with FBA. We create custom box dimensions for each shipment. So I know that it's not necessarily an issue to have boxes with over 150 units in FBA, they're just not technically "case packs" right now.

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Hello @Seller_flUGA5LIXHz3d. I reached out to our AWD partners who let us know these following information:

To ensure compliance with FBA guidelines during the replenishment process from AWD to FBA, we recommend adhering to FBA guidelines and sending inventory to AWD with a case pack quantity of 150 or less

Please let me know if you need more information.

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I know it isn't what you are asking, but I can confirm that AWD will accept case packs over the 150 unit FBA limit so that part should not be a problem for you.

I have a SKU with a case pack size of 250 that will need to be replenished in about 2 weeks. I will post an update when it auto replenishes or I manually request it be sent to FBA.

(My guess is it will work fine and that they had to allow it for AGL shipments into AWD but don't want it to become well known loophole.)

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I wanted to let you know that I manually requested a replenishment for the 250 unit case last week and it was received into FBA today without any issues.

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