A-Z Decision Incorrect - Lost Appeal - Have I No Recourse???
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A-Z Decision Incorrect - Lost Appeal - Have I No Recourse???

I am not very familiar with a-z claims, but I feel this one is in error. A customer purchased an item from me, with expedited shipping. I sent the item - cost over $29 to ship. Then she decided to return the item - "purchased by mistake". So I gave her a full refund, less the outgoing and return shipping.

So she filed an a-z for the outgoing shipping. I was not even given a chance to explain my side - it was granted before I even knew about it - no notice was given to me. So why am I responsible for the outgoing shipping if the return was not my fault? I fail to understand Amazon's reasoning, and now it seems I have no recourse in getting my money back.

It may seem trivial, but $29 is a lot of money for me to lose for something that was not even my fault. Isn't there anything more I can do?

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Tags:Account Health
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Do you have case number?

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It's not clear if the $29 was what the customer paid for expedited shipping, or what you paid. You can only deduct the amount the customer pays for shipping.

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Betcha the Scammer was "delighted"

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