Why was product reinstated? No one knows?
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Why was product reinstated? No one knows?

I reported a Trademark violation, the asins were removed and the offenders wrote to me asking for me to withdraw the complaint.

I DID NOT withdraw the complaint and NOW the asins are back for sale.

I have asked BRAND REGISTRY REPEATEDLY why these asins have been reinstated, it seems either no one wants to give me an answer or they dont understand the question. How is this possible?

Did this company give you a fake retraction rom me? or have they been reinstated for a different reason?


3 replies
Tags:Brand Registry, Intellectual property infringements
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Hi there @Seller_YdqBO6bifWZxv

I would love to assist here. I can see you have a lot of submissions within the Report a Violation so if you just send me the ID for this specific submission, I'll dive right in!

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