Unjust Account Deactivation Under Section 3 - Seeking Assistance and Review
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Unjust Account Deactivation Under Section 3 - Seeking Assistance and Review

Hello Amazon Seller Community,

I am reaching out for urgent help regarding my seller account deactivation under Section 3, which I strongly believe was done in error.

📌 Background of My Case:

I have been selling on Amazon for two years with a clean track record, focusing on online arbitrage from reputable U.S. suppliers.

Recently, I received a notification stating that my account was suspended due to "selling counterfeit items," which is completely false.

I purchase my inventory exclusively from authorized distributors and have provided invoices, purchase orders, and all requested documents to Amazon.

Despite this, all my appeals are rejected automatically, without any meaningful feedback or manual review.

🚨 Key Issues & My Concerns:

Lack of Human Review: All responses appear to be automated, and I am stuck in a loop of rejections.

Severe Financial Impact: My business is suffering significant financial losses due to this unjustified action.

Possible Platform Abuse: Amazon is wrongfully categorizing my products as "counterfeit" despite purchasing from trusted U.S. suppliers.

Double Standards & Unfair Process: I see that some sellers have been reinstated under similar circumstances, while my case is ignored.

📢 What I Need from the Community & Amazon Support:

Guidance from sellers who successfully appealed a similar case – What additional steps did you take?

Amazon representatives – Please escalate this case for a real investigation.

Advice on External Escalation – If Amazon refuses to resolve this fairly, should I escalate to the BBB, FTC, or other legal channels?

I sincerely appreciate any advice or insights. If you have experienced a similar issue or have connections with Amazon Seller Performance specialists, your input would be invaluable.

Thank you all for your time and support.

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Tags:Deactivated, Product authenticity, Suspended
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focusing on online arbitrage from reputable U.S. suppliers.
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So are these "reputable suppliers" selling you products for which you have brand approval? Are they providing invoices? Or receipts?

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Recently, I received a notification stating that my account was suspended due to "selling counterfeit items,"
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Yes, that's the notice that you will receive if there is any doubt to the authenticity of an item, or its supply chain.

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I purchase my inventory exclusively from authorized distributors
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I thought you said you were doing OA? Now you say that you are purchasing from "authorized distributors". Which is it? And what steps did you take to verify that the distributors you used are authorized for the brands you are purchasing? And again, are you authorized BY THE BRAND to sell their products on Amazon?

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