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Amazon lists the WRONG book for a particular ISBN

The book concerned is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION" by Randall D. Knight.

(ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0137302266; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0137302260)

When I entered this book's ISBN 9780137302260 both on Amazon search and "Add Products" in Catalog, what came up was a totally different book titled "Programmed Text In Money And Banking Paperback – Import, April 1, 1969by J.T. Masten (Author) with NO image, yet the ISBNs listed under product details are the same ISBNs as the Physics book. Weird!!

However, when I went online and search for the "Money and Banking Paperback", it had different ISBNs than those that are now listed on Amazon.

When I entered Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION by Randall D. Knight in Amazon search bar to search, this book/title didn't show up. Only the 4th edition which is an older edition of this title showed up!

I suspect the issue is the ISBNs are being misidentified by the systems as UPCs

I contacted seller support, but they seemed to be of little help and mentioned complicated things to do instead of trying to correct the errors which I believe is easy to fix by themselves from their end.

Please help with this issue! (especially Mods please assist!)

Thank you so much in advance!

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Amazon lists the WRONG book for a particular ISBN

The book concerned is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION" by Randall D. Knight.

(ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0137302266; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0137302260)

When I entered this book's ISBN 9780137302260 both on Amazon search and "Add Products" in Catalog, what came up was a totally different book titled "Programmed Text In Money And Banking Paperback – Import, April 1, 1969by J.T. Masten (Author) with NO image, yet the ISBNs listed under product details are the same ISBNs as the Physics book. Weird!!

However, when I went online and search for the "Money and Banking Paperback", it had different ISBNs than those that are now listed on Amazon.

When I entered Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION by Randall D. Knight in Amazon search bar to search, this book/title didn't show up. Only the 4th edition which is an older edition of this title showed up!

I suspect the issue is the ISBNs are being misidentified by the systems as UPCs

I contacted seller support, but they seemed to be of little help and mentioned complicated things to do instead of trying to correct the errors which I believe is easy to fix by themselves from their end.

Please help with this issue! (especially Mods please assist!)

Thank you so much in advance!

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I take it you are new to selling books on Amazon. There are a LOT of cases like this. In the early days, when a page was created, it was 100% up to the seller creating the page to enter all the correct data, and there was no checking. So a mis-typed ISBN might be in the system (there are plenty that are not valid and fail the check-digit), as you say UPC entered as ISBN, or the very common paperback with the HC ISBN or vice-versa.

This is why you need to double check that the page you get to is actually correct. I don't know any bookseller who has been here for long who hasn't gotten caught at least once with the wrong binding or edition, but you have to check.

On the bright side, few customers search by ISBN, so if the title and author are correct, they'll still find it.

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Good Afternoon @Seller_YmoAkd6C8PYL6,

Apologies for the delayed response.

In order for us to escalate this case, we recommend reaching out to Selling Partner Support and providing them with a thorough detailed explanation about the ISBNs not matching.

  • Share with them photos of your physical product taken by you
  • Share with them photos taken by you of the ISBNs
  • Share screenshots of the 'Add a product' screen populating the other book.
  • Share the websites that prove the ISBN is associated to the book you are trying to list

That should be enough evidence to hopefully get their attention to take a second look at updating the information. If they happen to not have a favorable enough solution with you, please reach back out and provide us with the CASE ID you created above, so I can reach out to another contact and see what next steps can be taken.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions with the information shared above. Have a wonderful weekend.

Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon

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Amazon lists the WRONG book for a particular ISBN

The book concerned is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION" by Randall D. Knight.

(ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0137302266; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0137302260)

When I entered this book's ISBN 9780137302260 both on Amazon search and "Add Products" in Catalog, what came up was a totally different book titled "Programmed Text In Money And Banking Paperback – Import, April 1, 1969by J.T. Masten (Author) with NO image, yet the ISBNs listed under product details are the same ISBNs as the Physics book. Weird!!

However, when I went online and search for the "Money and Banking Paperback", it had different ISBNs than those that are now listed on Amazon.

When I entered Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION by Randall D. Knight in Amazon search bar to search, this book/title didn't show up. Only the 4th edition which is an older edition of this title showed up!

I suspect the issue is the ISBNs are being misidentified by the systems as UPCs

I contacted seller support, but they seemed to be of little help and mentioned complicated things to do instead of trying to correct the errors which I believe is easy to fix by themselves from their end.

Please help with this issue! (especially Mods please assist!)

Thank you so much in advance!

7 replies
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Amazon lists the WRONG book for a particular ISBN

The book concerned is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION" by Randall D. Knight.

(ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0137302266; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0137302260)

When I entered this book's ISBN 9780137302260 both on Amazon search and "Add Products" in Catalog, what came up was a totally different book titled "Programmed Text In Money And Banking Paperback – Import, April 1, 1969by J.T. Masten (Author) with NO image, yet the ISBNs listed under product details are the same ISBNs as the Physics book. Weird!!

However, when I went online and search for the "Money and Banking Paperback", it had different ISBNs than those that are now listed on Amazon.

When I entered Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION by Randall D. Knight in Amazon search bar to search, this book/title didn't show up. Only the 4th edition which is an older edition of this title showed up!

I suspect the issue is the ISBNs are being misidentified by the systems as UPCs

I contacted seller support, but they seemed to be of little help and mentioned complicated things to do instead of trying to correct the errors which I believe is easy to fix by themselves from their end.

Please help with this issue! (especially Mods please assist!)

Thank you so much in advance!

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Amazon lists the WRONG book for a particular ISBN

by Seller_YmoAkd6C8PYL6

The book concerned is "Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION" by Randall D. Knight.

(ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0137302266; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0137302260)

When I entered this book's ISBN 9780137302260 both on Amazon search and "Add Products" in Catalog, what came up was a totally different book titled "Programmed Text In Money And Banking Paperback – Import, April 1, 1969by J.T. Masten (Author) with NO image, yet the ISBNs listed under product details are the same ISBNs as the Physics book. Weird!!

However, when I went online and search for the "Money and Banking Paperback", it had different ISBNs than those that are now listed on Amazon.

When I entered Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP EDITION 5th EDITION by Randall D. Knight in Amazon search bar to search, this book/title didn't show up. Only the 4th edition which is an older edition of this title showed up!

I suspect the issue is the ISBNs are being misidentified by the systems as UPCs

I contacted seller support, but they seemed to be of little help and mentioned complicated things to do instead of trying to correct the errors which I believe is easy to fix by themselves from their end.

Please help with this issue! (especially Mods please assist!)

Thank you so much in advance!

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I take it you are new to selling books on Amazon. There are a LOT of cases like this. In the early days, when a page was created, it was 100% up to the seller creating the page to enter all the correct data, and there was no checking. So a mis-typed ISBN might be in the system (there are plenty that are not valid and fail the check-digit), as you say UPC entered as ISBN, or the very common paperback with the HC ISBN or vice-versa.

This is why you need to double check that the page you get to is actually correct. I don't know any bookseller who has been here for long who hasn't gotten caught at least once with the wrong binding or edition, but you have to check.

On the bright side, few customers search by ISBN, so if the title and author are correct, they'll still find it.

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Good Afternoon @Seller_YmoAkd6C8PYL6,

Apologies for the delayed response.

In order for us to escalate this case, we recommend reaching out to Selling Partner Support and providing them with a thorough detailed explanation about the ISBNs not matching.

  • Share with them photos of your physical product taken by you
  • Share with them photos taken by you of the ISBNs
  • Share screenshots of the 'Add a product' screen populating the other book.
  • Share the websites that prove the ISBN is associated to the book you are trying to list

That should be enough evidence to hopefully get their attention to take a second look at updating the information. If they happen to not have a favorable enough solution with you, please reach back out and provide us with the CASE ID you created above, so I can reach out to another contact and see what next steps can be taken.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions with the information shared above. Have a wonderful weekend.

Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon

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I take it you are new to selling books on Amazon. There are a LOT of cases like this. In the early days, when a page was created, it was 100% up to the seller creating the page to enter all the correct data, and there was no checking. So a mis-typed ISBN might be in the system (there are plenty that are not valid and fail the check-digit), as you say UPC entered as ISBN, or the very common paperback with the HC ISBN or vice-versa.

This is why you need to double check that the page you get to is actually correct. I don't know any bookseller who has been here for long who hasn't gotten caught at least once with the wrong binding or edition, but you have to check.

On the bright side, few customers search by ISBN, so if the title and author are correct, they'll still find it.

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I take it you are new to selling books on Amazon. There are a LOT of cases like this. In the early days, when a page was created, it was 100% up to the seller creating the page to enter all the correct data, and there was no checking. So a mis-typed ISBN might be in the system (there are plenty that are not valid and fail the check-digit), as you say UPC entered as ISBN, or the very common paperback with the HC ISBN or vice-versa.

This is why you need to double check that the page you get to is actually correct. I don't know any bookseller who has been here for long who hasn't gotten caught at least once with the wrong binding or edition, but you have to check.

On the bright side, few customers search by ISBN, so if the title and author are correct, they'll still find it.

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Good Afternoon @Seller_YmoAkd6C8PYL6,

Apologies for the delayed response.

In order for us to escalate this case, we recommend reaching out to Selling Partner Support and providing them with a thorough detailed explanation about the ISBNs not matching.

  • Share with them photos of your physical product taken by you
  • Share with them photos taken by you of the ISBNs
  • Share screenshots of the 'Add a product' screen populating the other book.
  • Share the websites that prove the ISBN is associated to the book you are trying to list

That should be enough evidence to hopefully get their attention to take a second look at updating the information. If they happen to not have a favorable enough solution with you, please reach back out and provide us with the CASE ID you created above, so I can reach out to another contact and see what next steps can be taken.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions with the information shared above. Have a wonderful weekend.

Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon

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Good Afternoon @Seller_YmoAkd6C8PYL6,

Apologies for the delayed response.

In order for us to escalate this case, we recommend reaching out to Selling Partner Support and providing them with a thorough detailed explanation about the ISBNs not matching.

  • Share with them photos of your physical product taken by you
  • Share with them photos taken by you of the ISBNs
  • Share screenshots of the 'Add a product' screen populating the other book.
  • Share the websites that prove the ISBN is associated to the book you are trying to list

That should be enough evidence to hopefully get their attention to take a second look at updating the information. If they happen to not have a favorable enough solution with you, please reach back out and provide us with the CASE ID you created above, so I can reach out to another contact and see what next steps can be taken.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions with the information shared above. Have a wonderful weekend.

Sincerely, Cooper_Amazon

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