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Amazon.Found.ASINXXX Listing Created Automatically

We have an ASIN let's call it ASINXXX with an SKU SC-033.

This morning we received an email from Amazon that a new listing has been created with the SKU Amazon.Found.ASINXXX under the same ASINXXX.

The problem is that we have NOT created this new SKU.

So now for ASINXXX, we have two SKUs

1) SC-033 (original - FBA)

2) Amazon.Found.ASINXXX (new - FBA)

Can Amazon create a new SKU by itself? or somebody else is doing this?

Nobody else have access to our SC Account. Only us.

What could be the reason for this new automatically generated SKU?

13 replies
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Amazon.Found.ASINXXX Listing Created Automatically

We have an ASIN let's call it ASINXXX with an SKU SC-033.

This morning we received an email from Amazon that a new listing has been created with the SKU Amazon.Found.ASINXXX under the same ASINXXX.

The problem is that we have NOT created this new SKU.

So now for ASINXXX, we have two SKUs

1) SC-033 (original - FBA)

2) Amazon.Found.ASINXXX (new - FBA)

Can Amazon create a new SKU by itself? or somebody else is doing this?

Nobody else have access to our SC Account. Only us.

What could be the reason for this new automatically generated SKU?

13 replies
13 replies
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We have the same happened to us

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Amazon created this new SKU - They found product somewhere in the fulfillment centers and had to create a listing for it. This is not unusual.

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Pretty sure they do this if you use the Amazon FBA grade and resell option. This was the reason we cancelled that service cause every time there was a sellable return they created a new sku.

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same here!

What should we do now???


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We have the same happened to us

What should we do now???

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Same here. Never had this issue before. Now we have a duplicate FBA listing with 1 package offered.

Why not add to the correct Asin? They used the same asin number???


user profile

I had this happen too... The inventory that was 'found' seems to have sold normal enough which is good...

However, in the restock inventory tab that I use to help track my inventory in FBA, its acting as if I need to restock this inventory too now... I'm assuming the answer is to just ignore it, but its very odd.

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We had a similar situation just a few days ago and opened a case on this and this is what we have learnt or figured out.

We shipped product to Amazon with Amazon required labels attached to every unit. Seemingly one unit had its label lost, but its ASIN was identified by its UPC. So, the UPC became this unit's identifier as opposed to the rest of the items of this ASIN that are identified by Amazon's FINSKU.

We asked SS support to have this unit merged to the rest of the inventory of this ASIN, but they kept telling us this is impossible due to the fact that this item has a different SKU (Amazon generated upon "finding" this one piece).

We were offered two options: start selling this one unit under a new listing??? or create a removal order. We kind of could for see the mess this situation would create and creating a removal order would be our first choice, however we thought that Amazon should cover the removal cost in this case. Each item of this ASIN is shipped to Amazon with a label. If even a single item is missing a label, Amazon lets you know right away and charges you for that. Since it didn't happen with any shipments of this ASIN, it is clear that Amazon lost the label on this one item and then "found" it by the manufacturer's UPC.

No, Amazon is not paying for this one unit's removal, we were told. So, we created a new listing for this one unit. As soon as it sells, we were told by SS, we could close it. A day later I come to check our FBA inventory, and we can see that now Amazon wants 126!!! units more for that SKU that was just created for one single unit???

We are selling this same ASIN under a different (created by us) SKU and Amazon has about 90 units in stock. Now Amazon wants 35 units more on that original SKU and 126 units for the SKU created by Amazon (same ASIN) for this "Amazon found" unit. What a mess!!!

Not to mention hours spent with SS without any resolotion.

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This explains why I got my recent negative feedback from a buyer that had ordered something that had ALREADY SOLD!!!!

We all know feedback is nuts, but at least now we know why ...

:( D.

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Amazon.Found.ASINXXX Listing Created Automatically

We have an ASIN let's call it ASINXXX with an SKU SC-033.

This morning we received an email from Amazon that a new listing has been created with the SKU Amazon.Found.ASINXXX under the same ASINXXX.

The problem is that we have NOT created this new SKU.

So now for ASINXXX, we have two SKUs

1) SC-033 (original - FBA)

2) Amazon.Found.ASINXXX (new - FBA)

Can Amazon create a new SKU by itself? or somebody else is doing this?

Nobody else have access to our SC Account. Only us.

What could be the reason for this new automatically generated SKU?

13 replies
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Amazon.Found.ASINXXX Listing Created Automatically

We have an ASIN let's call it ASINXXX with an SKU SC-033.

This morning we received an email from Amazon that a new listing has been created with the SKU Amazon.Found.ASINXXX under the same ASINXXX.

The problem is that we have NOT created this new SKU.

So now for ASINXXX, we have two SKUs

1) SC-033 (original - FBA)

2) Amazon.Found.ASINXXX (new - FBA)

Can Amazon create a new SKU by itself? or somebody else is doing this?

Nobody else have access to our SC Account. Only us.

What could be the reason for this new automatically generated SKU?

13 replies
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Amazon.Found.ASINXXX Listing Created Automatically

by Seller_jjEgLQraLbWZQ

We have an ASIN let's call it ASINXXX with an SKU SC-033.

This morning we received an email from Amazon that a new listing has been created with the SKU Amazon.Found.ASINXXX under the same ASINXXX.

The problem is that we have NOT created this new SKU.

So now for ASINXXX, we have two SKUs

1) SC-033 (original - FBA)

2) Amazon.Found.ASINXXX (new - FBA)

Can Amazon create a new SKU by itself? or somebody else is doing this?

Nobody else have access to our SC Account. Only us.

What could be the reason for this new automatically generated SKU?

13 replies
13 replies
13 replies
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We have the same happened to us

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Amazon created this new SKU - They found product somewhere in the fulfillment centers and had to create a listing for it. This is not unusual.

user profile

Pretty sure they do this if you use the Amazon FBA grade and resell option. This was the reason we cancelled that service cause every time there was a sellable return they created a new sku.

user profile

same here!

What should we do now???


user profile

We have the same happened to us

What should we do now???

user profile

Same here. Never had this issue before. Now we have a duplicate FBA listing with 1 package offered.

Why not add to the correct Asin? They used the same asin number???


user profile

I had this happen too... The inventory that was 'found' seems to have sold normal enough which is good...

However, in the restock inventory tab that I use to help track my inventory in FBA, its acting as if I need to restock this inventory too now... I'm assuming the answer is to just ignore it, but its very odd.

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We had a similar situation just a few days ago and opened a case on this and this is what we have learnt or figured out.

We shipped product to Amazon with Amazon required labels attached to every unit. Seemingly one unit had its label lost, but its ASIN was identified by its UPC. So, the UPC became this unit's identifier as opposed to the rest of the items of this ASIN that are identified by Amazon's FINSKU.

We asked SS support to have this unit merged to the rest of the inventory of this ASIN, but they kept telling us this is impossible due to the fact that this item has a different SKU (Amazon generated upon "finding" this one piece).

We were offered two options: start selling this one unit under a new listing??? or create a removal order. We kind of could for see the mess this situation would create and creating a removal order would be our first choice, however we thought that Amazon should cover the removal cost in this case. Each item of this ASIN is shipped to Amazon with a label. If even a single item is missing a label, Amazon lets you know right away and charges you for that. Since it didn't happen with any shipments of this ASIN, it is clear that Amazon lost the label on this one item and then "found" it by the manufacturer's UPC.

No, Amazon is not paying for this one unit's removal, we were told. So, we created a new listing for this one unit. As soon as it sells, we were told by SS, we could close it. A day later I come to check our FBA inventory, and we can see that now Amazon wants 126!!! units more for that SKU that was just created for one single unit???

We are selling this same ASIN under a different (created by us) SKU and Amazon has about 90 units in stock. Now Amazon wants 35 units more on that original SKU and 126 units for the SKU created by Amazon (same ASIN) for this "Amazon found" unit. What a mess!!!

Not to mention hours spent with SS without any resolotion.

user profile

This explains why I got my recent negative feedback from a buyer that had ordered something that had ALREADY SOLD!!!!

We all know feedback is nuts, but at least now we know why ...

:( D.

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We have the same happened to us

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We have the same happened to us

user profile

Amazon created this new SKU - They found product somewhere in the fulfillment centers and had to create a listing for it. This is not unusual.

user profile

Amazon created this new SKU - They found product somewhere in the fulfillment centers and had to create a listing for it. This is not unusual.

user profile

Pretty sure they do this if you use the Amazon FBA grade and resell option. This was the reason we cancelled that service cause every time there was a sellable return they created a new sku.

user profile

Pretty sure they do this if you use the Amazon FBA grade and resell option. This was the reason we cancelled that service cause every time there was a sellable return they created a new sku.

user profile

same here!

What should we do now???


user profile

same here!

What should we do now???


user profile

We have the same happened to us

What should we do now???

user profile

We have the same happened to us

What should we do now???

user profile

Same here. Never had this issue before. Now we have a duplicate FBA listing with 1 package offered.

Why not add to the correct Asin? They used the same asin number???


user profile

Same here. Never had this issue before. Now we have a duplicate FBA listing with 1 package offered.

Why not add to the correct Asin? They used the same asin number???


user profile

I had this happen too... The inventory that was 'found' seems to have sold normal enough which is good...

However, in the restock inventory tab that I use to help track my inventory in FBA, its acting as if I need to restock this inventory too now... I'm assuming the answer is to just ignore it, but its very odd.

user profile

I had this happen too... The inventory that was 'found' seems to have sold normal enough which is good...

However, in the restock inventory tab that I use to help track my inventory in FBA, its acting as if I need to restock this inventory too now... I'm assuming the answer is to just ignore it, but its very odd.

user profile

We had a similar situation just a few days ago and opened a case on this and this is what we have learnt or figured out.

We shipped product to Amazon with Amazon required labels attached to every unit. Seemingly one unit had its label lost, but its ASIN was identified by its UPC. So, the UPC became this unit's identifier as opposed to the rest of the items of this ASIN that are identified by Amazon's FINSKU.

We asked SS support to have this unit merged to the rest of the inventory of this ASIN, but they kept telling us this is impossible due to the fact that this item has a different SKU (Amazon generated upon "finding" this one piece).

We were offered two options: start selling this one unit under a new listing??? or create a removal order. We kind of could for see the mess this situation would create and creating a removal order would be our first choice, however we thought that Amazon should cover the removal cost in this case. Each item of this ASIN is shipped to Amazon with a label. If even a single item is missing a label, Amazon lets you know right away and charges you for that. Since it didn't happen with any shipments of this ASIN, it is clear that Amazon lost the label on this one item and then "found" it by the manufacturer's UPC.

No, Amazon is not paying for this one unit's removal, we were told. So, we created a new listing for this one unit. As soon as it sells, we were told by SS, we could close it. A day later I come to check our FBA inventory, and we can see that now Amazon wants 126!!! units more for that SKU that was just created for one single unit???

We are selling this same ASIN under a different (created by us) SKU and Amazon has about 90 units in stock. Now Amazon wants 35 units more on that original SKU and 126 units for the SKU created by Amazon (same ASIN) for this "Amazon found" unit. What a mess!!!

Not to mention hours spent with SS without any resolotion.

user profile

We had a similar situation just a few days ago and opened a case on this and this is what we have learnt or figured out.

We shipped product to Amazon with Amazon required labels attached to every unit. Seemingly one unit had its label lost, but its ASIN was identified by its UPC. So, the UPC became this unit's identifier as opposed to the rest of the items of this ASIN that are identified by Amazon's FINSKU.

We asked SS support to have this unit merged to the rest of the inventory of this ASIN, but they kept telling us this is impossible due to the fact that this item has a different SKU (Amazon generated upon "finding" this one piece).

We were offered two options: start selling this one unit under a new listing??? or create a removal order. We kind of could for see the mess this situation would create and creating a removal order would be our first choice, however we thought that Amazon should cover the removal cost in this case. Each item of this ASIN is shipped to Amazon with a label. If even a single item is missing a label, Amazon lets you know right away and charges you for that. Since it didn't happen with any shipments of this ASIN, it is clear that Amazon lost the label on this one item and then "found" it by the manufacturer's UPC.

No, Amazon is not paying for this one unit's removal, we were told. So, we created a new listing for this one unit. As soon as it sells, we were told by SS, we could close it. A day later I come to check our FBA inventory, and we can see that now Amazon wants 126!!! units more for that SKU that was just created for one single unit???

We are selling this same ASIN under a different (created by us) SKU and Amazon has about 90 units in stock. Now Amazon wants 35 units more on that original SKU and 126 units for the SKU created by Amazon (same ASIN) for this "Amazon found" unit. What a mess!!!

Not to mention hours spent with SS without any resolotion.

user profile

This explains why I got my recent negative feedback from a buyer that had ordered something that had ALREADY SOLD!!!!

We all know feedback is nuts, but at least now we know why ...

:( D.

user profile

This explains why I got my recent negative feedback from a buyer that had ordered something that had ALREADY SOLD!!!!

We all know feedback is nuts, but at least now we know why ...

:( D.

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