Today My account Gone Deactivated and as per mail virtual verification What this thing New seller account and after 4 to 5 days my account gone deactivated to virtual verification what is the matter i am not understand.
We are not sure how to interpret Seller Central's data vs. our API.
The referral and FBA fees are close, but the revenue is way off. Is this because SellerCentral subtracts the revenue from refunded orders?
If so, shouldn't they also exclude the referral fee from that refunded revenue? Because this seems like our referral fee % is higher than 15%.
Hi everyone,
we are looking for a solution like an API to, forward users to the Amazon website by clicking on "Buy now on Amazon" via our app and simultaneously adding checked missing items at once to their Amazon shopping basket, then they can easily finish them purchase.
appreciate your response in advance.
Guten Tag,
wir haben ein Problem mit der neuen SP API von AWS. Wir müssen den Rechnungs Upload in der Api freigeben und schaffen es nicht. Vom AWS Team schreibt uns keiner zurück. Wie können wir mit denen am besten Kontakt aufnehmen ? Hatte wer ähnliche Probleme ?
Bitte um eure Hilfe.