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Brands: New Premium A+ content promotion

Sellers who have registered as a Brand Owner with Amazon Brand Registry are now eligible for Premium A+ content at no cost for an extended promotional period.

Premium A+ content offers new and larger module types in the product description section on the product detail page such as video, image carousels, and interactive hotspots. Implementing Premium A+ content can increase your sales by 20%.

During the promotional period, you can publish Premium A+ content for all registered ASINs using A+ content manager.

If you have published A+ brand story across your ASIN catalog and have had at least 15 A+ content projects approved in the past 12 months, for each Amazon store, you are eligible for Premium A+ content.

Access for Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month. If you meet the criteria, you will see a banner in the A+ content manager for access.

For more information on A+ content, Premium A+, and to find out if you are eligible, go to Get started with A+ content.

Note: If we announce a fee for Premium A+ content we will invite you to opt in.
43 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Brands: New Premium A+ content promotion

Sellers who have registered as a Brand Owner with Amazon Brand Registry are now eligible for Premium A+ content at no cost for an extended promotional period.

Premium A+ content offers new and larger module types in the product description section on the product detail page such as video, image carousels, and interactive hotspots. Implementing Premium A+ content can increase your sales by 20%.

During the promotional period, you can publish Premium A+ content for all registered ASINs using A+ content manager.

If you have published A+ brand story across your ASIN catalog and have had at least 15 A+ content projects approved in the past 12 months, for each Amazon store, you are eligible for Premium A+ content.

Access for Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month. If you meet the criteria, you will see a banner in the A+ content manager for access.

For more information on A+ content, Premium A+, and to find out if you are eligible, go to Get started with A+ content.

Note: If we announce a fee for Premium A+ content we will invite you to opt in.
Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Will you notify the seller when this option becomes available?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

can anyone see what Premium A+ content look like? or can someone provide screenshot about this? Thanks

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is meaningless without these pieces of information:

  • How long will this promotion last?
  • What will the costs be after the promotion?

If you’re just trying to sucker us into doing a ton of work now, then relying on the Sunk Cost Fallacy to extract a bunch more money from us later, I’m not interested. Absent the info needed to make this determination, I’ll base my conclusion on past experience here, and pass of this most excellent offer.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When should we see the new modules in A+ content? We qualify and I don’t see any changes.


user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon will find ways to charge u fees. Greedy Amazon.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

What are the duration and dates for the promotional period that the premium a+ content will be free?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Please edit the announcement to include that all ASINS must have a published A+ Story

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Access to Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month.

Does this mean that the next evaluation will be at the end of August since this new feature was just announced recently, and then you get access to the Premium A+ Content starting September?

Asking for clarification, as the announcement wasn’t too clear about it. Thanks.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

1) All of the ASINs in your catalog must contain published A+ Brand Story
All brand registered ASINs or All ASINs period? So if one of your brands is not brand registered, you’re completely out of luck unless you enroll in brand registry and publish Brand Story?

2) You must have at least 15 A+ Content project submissions in “Approved” status within the past 12 months
I’m assuming if the same exact A+ content was applied to 10 different ASINs, it still only counts as 1 A+ Content project correct?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

To be eligible for Premium A+, do you need to have submitted 15 A+ Content project submissions in the past 12 month, or just have 15 in approved status?

user profile

Brands: New Premium A+ content promotion

Sellers who have registered as a Brand Owner with Amazon Brand Registry are now eligible for Premium A+ content at no cost for an extended promotional period.

Premium A+ content offers new and larger module types in the product description section on the product detail page such as video, image carousels, and interactive hotspots. Implementing Premium A+ content can increase your sales by 20%.

During the promotional period, you can publish Premium A+ content for all registered ASINs using A+ content manager.

If you have published A+ brand story across your ASIN catalog and have had at least 15 A+ content projects approved in the past 12 months, for each Amazon store, you are eligible for Premium A+ content.

Access for Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month. If you meet the criteria, you will see a banner in the A+ content manager for access.

For more information on A+ content, Premium A+, and to find out if you are eligible, go to Get started with A+ content.

Note: If we announce a fee for Premium A+ content we will invite you to opt in.
43 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Brands: New Premium A+ content promotion

Sellers who have registered as a Brand Owner with Amazon Brand Registry are now eligible for Premium A+ content at no cost for an extended promotional period.

Premium A+ content offers new and larger module types in the product description section on the product detail page such as video, image carousels, and interactive hotspots. Implementing Premium A+ content can increase your sales by 20%.

During the promotional period, you can publish Premium A+ content for all registered ASINs using A+ content manager.

If you have published A+ brand story across your ASIN catalog and have had at least 15 A+ content projects approved in the past 12 months, for each Amazon store, you are eligible for Premium A+ content.

Access for Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month. If you meet the criteria, you will see a banner in the A+ content manager for access.

For more information on A+ content, Premium A+, and to find out if you are eligible, go to Get started with A+ content.

Note: If we announce a fee for Premium A+ content we will invite you to opt in.
Tags:News and Announcements
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Brands: New Premium A+ content promotion

by News_Amazon

Sellers who have registered as a Brand Owner with Amazon Brand Registry are now eligible for Premium A+ content at no cost for an extended promotional period.

Premium A+ content offers new and larger module types in the product description section on the product detail page such as video, image carousels, and interactive hotspots. Implementing Premium A+ content can increase your sales by 20%.

During the promotional period, you can publish Premium A+ content for all registered ASINs using A+ content manager.

If you have published A+ brand story across your ASIN catalog and have had at least 15 A+ content projects approved in the past 12 months, for each Amazon store, you are eligible for Premium A+ content.

Access for Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month. If you meet the criteria, you will see a banner in the A+ content manager for access.

For more information on A+ content, Premium A+, and to find out if you are eligible, go to Get started with A+ content.

Note: If we announce a fee for Premium A+ content we will invite you to opt in.
Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Will you notify the seller when this option becomes available?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

can anyone see what Premium A+ content look like? or can someone provide screenshot about this? Thanks

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is meaningless without these pieces of information:

  • How long will this promotion last?
  • What will the costs be after the promotion?

If you’re just trying to sucker us into doing a ton of work now, then relying on the Sunk Cost Fallacy to extract a bunch more money from us later, I’m not interested. Absent the info needed to make this determination, I’ll base my conclusion on past experience here, and pass of this most excellent offer.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When should we see the new modules in A+ content? We qualify and I don’t see any changes.


user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon will find ways to charge u fees. Greedy Amazon.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

What are the duration and dates for the promotional period that the premium a+ content will be free?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Please edit the announcement to include that all ASINS must have a published A+ Story

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Access to Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month.

Does this mean that the next evaluation will be at the end of August since this new feature was just announced recently, and then you get access to the Premium A+ Content starting September?

Asking for clarification, as the announcement wasn’t too clear about it. Thanks.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

1) All of the ASINs in your catalog must contain published A+ Brand Story
All brand registered ASINs or All ASINs period? So if one of your brands is not brand registered, you’re completely out of luck unless you enroll in brand registry and publish Brand Story?

2) You must have at least 15 A+ Content project submissions in “Approved” status within the past 12 months
I’m assuming if the same exact A+ content was applied to 10 different ASINs, it still only counts as 1 A+ Content project correct?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

To be eligible for Premium A+, do you need to have submitted 15 A+ Content project submissions in the past 12 month, or just have 15 in approved status?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Will you notify the seller when this option becomes available?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Will you notify the seller when this option becomes available?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

can anyone see what Premium A+ content look like? or can someone provide screenshot about this? Thanks

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

can anyone see what Premium A+ content look like? or can someone provide screenshot about this? Thanks

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is meaningless without these pieces of information:

  • How long will this promotion last?
  • What will the costs be after the promotion?

If you’re just trying to sucker us into doing a ton of work now, then relying on the Sunk Cost Fallacy to extract a bunch more money from us later, I’m not interested. Absent the info needed to make this determination, I’ll base my conclusion on past experience here, and pass of this most excellent offer.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This is meaningless without these pieces of information:

  • How long will this promotion last?
  • What will the costs be after the promotion?

If you’re just trying to sucker us into doing a ton of work now, then relying on the Sunk Cost Fallacy to extract a bunch more money from us later, I’m not interested. Absent the info needed to make this determination, I’ll base my conclusion on past experience here, and pass of this most excellent offer.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When should we see the new modules in A+ content? We qualify and I don’t see any changes.


user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When should we see the new modules in A+ content? We qualify and I don’t see any changes.


user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon will find ways to charge u fees. Greedy Amazon.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon will find ways to charge u fees. Greedy Amazon.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

What are the duration and dates for the promotional period that the premium a+ content will be free?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

What are the duration and dates for the promotional period that the premium a+ content will be free?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Please edit the announcement to include that all ASINS must have a published A+ Story

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Please edit the announcement to include that all ASINS must have a published A+ Story

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Access to Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month.

Does this mean that the next evaluation will be at the end of August since this new feature was just announced recently, and then you get access to the Premium A+ Content starting September?

Asking for clarification, as the announcement wasn’t too clear about it. Thanks.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Access to Premium A+ is granted at the end of each month.

Does this mean that the next evaluation will be at the end of August since this new feature was just announced recently, and then you get access to the Premium A+ Content starting September?

Asking for clarification, as the announcement wasn’t too clear about it. Thanks.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

1) All of the ASINs in your catalog must contain published A+ Brand Story
All brand registered ASINs or All ASINs period? So if one of your brands is not brand registered, you’re completely out of luck unless you enroll in brand registry and publish Brand Story?

2) You must have at least 15 A+ Content project submissions in “Approved” status within the past 12 months
I’m assuming if the same exact A+ content was applied to 10 different ASINs, it still only counts as 1 A+ Content project correct?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

1) All of the ASINs in your catalog must contain published A+ Brand Story
All brand registered ASINs or All ASINs period? So if one of your brands is not brand registered, you’re completely out of luck unless you enroll in brand registry and publish Brand Story?

2) You must have at least 15 A+ Content project submissions in “Approved” status within the past 12 months
I’m assuming if the same exact A+ content was applied to 10 different ASINs, it still only counts as 1 A+ Content project correct?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

To be eligible for Premium A+, do you need to have submitted 15 A+ Content project submissions in the past 12 month, or just have 15 in approved status?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

To be eligible for Premium A+, do you need to have submitted 15 A+ Content project submissions in the past 12 month, or just have 15 in approved status?


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