AWD Order: Can SPD be delivered on pallets?
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AWD Order: Can SPD be delivered on pallets?

Hey I am a bit confused on the SPD vs LTL orders within AWD. I created an SPD order on AWD, but my freight agent is delivering in on pallets. Each individual carton is still labeled correctly with the AWD receiving label for SPD.

Will this be ok? Or do we literally need to deliver a bunch of loose cartons with SPD orders?

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Tags:Packaging, Warehouse
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Hi @Seller_DPetgMN6a9UZU,

According to the help page Select Carrier, SPD shipments must be "units packed in individual boxes and individually labeled for delivery." The same page specifies that palletized shipments fall under LTL/FTL, which "combines individual boxes on pallets for delivery."

Even though your individual cartons are correctly labeled for SPD, they'll need to be delivered as separate boxes rather than on pallets. If you'd prefer to keep the shipment palletized, you might want to consider creating a new LTL order instead.

I know it can be a bit confusing when the freight agent suggests a different delivery method. The key thing is that Amazon's receiving process treats SPD and LTL/FTL shipments quite differently, which is why they need to stay separate.

Hope this helps!

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