Read onlyThe Seller Central site frequently provides misinformation and incorrect data. CS just told me they have no way to report Seller Central technical issues.
Is this true?
Today, I had a Chargeback listed on my Defects page for an FBA order.
I looked up Chargeback in Amazon's help documentation. It said to use the email sent to dispute it within 11 days.
There was no email recieved. So, I created a support Case ID 14966570721, provided screenshots.
CS was useless, because they didn't know the difference between a Chargeback Claim and a return, I thought.
Well, the Chargeback claim that showed this morning disappeared. Why? How? How was it ever there for an FBA item?!
If no one can submit technical issues, how can they get fixed? It's no wonder there are so many issues and bugs in Amazon Seller Central... and this controls automated pricing??!?
Seriously! How are Seller Central technical issues reported to Amazon? There must be a way.
Former Business Relationship Manager, you know, I.T.
Good morning @Seller_HjfyVYcuJdbTf,
I've worked with a seller a few months ago who also had an FBA chargeback, your experience sounds similar. In that case the seller's ODR was impacted, and they also did not receive a notification regarding the chargeback. Since it was an FBA order, Amazon did the customer service and handling, as Amazon represents the seller in the chargeback process.
In general, FBA chargebacks take some time but they fall off once Amazon has resolved it on your behalf. If you experience perisisting issues from this order / chargeback, reply to me here and I will be happy to assist.
- Bryce