Customer buys my product, a cosmetics product. (FBA fulfillment)
She uses it a lot, then returns it.
Amazon says "customer returned it damaged" and so I had the unit disposed.
But it seems Amazon has given her full return refund despite returning it in a damaged condition.
This, despite the fact that I DID NOT select the option for free returns for all on my seller central.
You know, there's an option on seller central where they ask you whether you'd like to offer
free refund for all returns. I did not select yes on that.
And I'm basically losing money for a customer returning a damaged item?!
The customer should not have been given a full refund.
Is this normal?
What do I do?
Can someone from Amazon comment?
Contacted Seller Support but not resolved;
Case ID: 15173542621
Hi @Seller_idQUopIou9L5d,
It sounds like this order might have been fulfilled by FBA. If this is the case, it's important to remember that items fulfilled by FBA are subject to the standard Amazon returns policy which means a customer may return an item for any reason within the return window. Additionally, many items fulfilled through FBA may be eligible for free returns.
I do understand how frustrating this return is, but wanted to make sure I shared the above information regarding FBA return policies.