USPS Return to Sender - package visibly opened - Beware
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USPS Return to Sender - package visibly opened - Beware

Wow. So, I've been hit with 3 separate return to senders via USPS in the last month, and ALL 3 had been opened by the the recipient. Of course, USPS policy is to NOT accept these returns, but they've done it anyway. 2 of them were Flat Rate envelopes that were so obviously opened it was ridiculous! See the photos.

I was able to make a claim for one, but one came through with the merchandise just returned. weird. but beware.

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Tags:Return shipment
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Thanks for the heads up on this recent activity @Seller_LAigNSQBmElpV- I also appreciate you redacting the image appropriately!

It sounds like you've either received the correct product back, if opened, or were able to file claims as needed. I wanted to also make sure you had details on sending communication to buyers, as issues with a shipping address is considered a critical message to complete a buyer's order, so it should be available.

To contact a buyer, follow these steps:

  1. On the Orders tab, select Manage Orders.
  2. Locate the order that you want to contact the buyer about.
  3. In the Order Details column, click the name of the buyer when it is available to open the Contact Buyer page.
  4. On the next page, select the contact reason, complete the message, and click Send. The above steps do not apply to Canceled Orders. For discrepancies or questions about the cancellation process, the buyer should contact Customer Service using the Contact Us form.

Let me know if you've seen any other complications arise, or have other questions on the topic though!



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