A-to-Z Claims are on Rising at Alarming Rate for FBM Sellers
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A-to-Z Claims are on Rising at Alarming Rate for FBM Sellers

Normally, A-to-Z is a once a very long while event, maybe yearly or less frequent. Now just in the last months, we have 2 bogus A-to-Z claims opened, dealing returns. Something tells me these are not data anomalies., things are changing, not for the better.

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Tags:A to Z Claims, Customer
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Since return for refund is involved in both A-to-Z case, the system will automatically count the defect rate against you. But if you have a valid reason to proof the buyer is at fault or it's a false claim. . Ex: claim on a-to-z (Materially Different ) vs the original return case reason ( didn't like it). Appeal to the case to get the order defect reversed. So there is still hope for us seller, just one more hoop for us to jump through. 2 for 2 successful appeal so far. Knock on wood.

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