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Provide more feedback more often about your support case

Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, simply click the survey link in our email.

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Tags:News and Announcements
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Provide more feedback more often about your support case

Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, simply click the survey link in our email.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Great - so venting before finished helps to lower my blood pressure and when they see I have rated them 'incompetent' I can know that my case will find a black hole to disappear into..

If you just read the comments/pleas for help in the forums you would already know that there are significant issues that have yet to be resolved and still nothing changes

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I sell on Amazon since many years and rarely I got support. Often a waste of time and money at the phone - with stops and NO solutions, just stops, from people untrained and unprofessional, whom never sold on Amazon, so they do not know.

And when you write to Support will answer you Jim, you will replay to Jim and will answer you Mohammed (whom understood nothing), so you will explain again the problem to Mohammed and will answer you Antony (whom understood something else), so you will re explain to Antony and will answer to you Rosy, and so on. And each one asked me a feedback..... That is the "normal" routine.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Our suggestions were to hold inept support employees accountable and to get rid of bad policies. Sellers conclude (based on the same issues reoccurring thousands of times over) that Amazon does not properly train its employees and they do not hold them accountable. If we saw tangible evidence of our cases being handled correctly and quickly the first time we would all assume that there was accountability and the "reviews" we do on the support employees actually mattered.

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Based on the suggestions from sellers like you
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

"Now provide more often feedback"? Great, now the semi-literates in support are writing your news?

What employers are looking for with feedback of this nature is a way of assessing employees by making their customers do the labor of employee evaluations. What Amazon doesn't understand is that much of the frustration stems from policy that doesn't match practice, lack of training/incentive for staff, undisclosed changes to the platform (how often have you been the one telling support how the platform actually works, rather than the other way around?) , catch-22's, inability to escalate to someone who can do something about a problem, and simple corporate pin-headedness. When we say "this sux" we often mean the employer, not the hapless employee making $1/hr with no training or incentives, working in their second language.

Here's a big 0-star feedback for choosing to outsource your support to the cheapest/worst possible option, then pretending that we theoretically have the recourse promised in the TOS because there's someone (totally useless) we can talk to.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This doesn't help those sellers who gave up completely on "Seller Support" after long strings of complete failure. I don't want more granularity in reviewing those giving me reams of random cut-and-paste answers and plain wrong advice. I want well trained help that actually have the tools to solve problems. That has not occurred in a long time.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

amazon seller support is based on AI !!!

so when congress will ask them that ?

? % of support is based on AI ? vs actual human you will know that I'm correct

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

do you think that this will work?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not so fast, fellow sellers.

There is gotta be a hidden agenda and I bet we will be played by this agenda once again.

Perhaps our feedback will be used to justify mass layoff. Labor laws in India and China where the hiring entity resides may require such evidence of complaints before laying off.

Maybe our feedback will be used on "improving" the support AI and more than likely diversify canned messages to get us thinking it may not be an AI named Mohammad, Anthony, or Jim.

It's a shame the level of seller support has tanked over the years.

Novice/Chinese sellers inquire the obvious to waste support resources, unhappy employees, poorly designed AI, recent graduates who have no idea what they're dealing with call themselves Leadership Team... there are just too many variables to solve this problem.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why Amazon don't teach buyers to leave FEEDBACKS ? Must buyers don't know how to do it ! We need more feedbacks. !

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Provide more feedback more often about your support case

Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, simply click the survey link in our email.

10 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Provide more feedback more often about your support case

Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, simply click the survey link in our email.

Tags:News and Announcements
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Provide more feedback more often about your support case

by News_Amazon

Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, simply click the survey link in our email.

Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Great - so venting before finished helps to lower my blood pressure and when they see I have rated them 'incompetent' I can know that my case will find a black hole to disappear into..

If you just read the comments/pleas for help in the forums you would already know that there are significant issues that have yet to be resolved and still nothing changes

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I sell on Amazon since many years and rarely I got support. Often a waste of time and money at the phone - with stops and NO solutions, just stops, from people untrained and unprofessional, whom never sold on Amazon, so they do not know.

And when you write to Support will answer you Jim, you will replay to Jim and will answer you Mohammed (whom understood nothing), so you will explain again the problem to Mohammed and will answer you Antony (whom understood something else), so you will re explain to Antony and will answer to you Rosy, and so on. And each one asked me a feedback..... That is the "normal" routine.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Our suggestions were to hold inept support employees accountable and to get rid of bad policies. Sellers conclude (based on the same issues reoccurring thousands of times over) that Amazon does not properly train its employees and they do not hold them accountable. If we saw tangible evidence of our cases being handled correctly and quickly the first time we would all assume that there was accountability and the "reviews" we do on the support employees actually mattered.

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Based on the suggestions from sellers like you
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

"Now provide more often feedback"? Great, now the semi-literates in support are writing your news?

What employers are looking for with feedback of this nature is a way of assessing employees by making their customers do the labor of employee evaluations. What Amazon doesn't understand is that much of the frustration stems from policy that doesn't match practice, lack of training/incentive for staff, undisclosed changes to the platform (how often have you been the one telling support how the platform actually works, rather than the other way around?) , catch-22's, inability to escalate to someone who can do something about a problem, and simple corporate pin-headedness. When we say "this sux" we often mean the employer, not the hapless employee making $1/hr with no training or incentives, working in their second language.

Here's a big 0-star feedback for choosing to outsource your support to the cheapest/worst possible option, then pretending that we theoretically have the recourse promised in the TOS because there's someone (totally useless) we can talk to.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This doesn't help those sellers who gave up completely on "Seller Support" after long strings of complete failure. I don't want more granularity in reviewing those giving me reams of random cut-and-paste answers and plain wrong advice. I want well trained help that actually have the tools to solve problems. That has not occurred in a long time.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

amazon seller support is based on AI !!!

so when congress will ask them that ?

? % of support is based on AI ? vs actual human you will know that I'm correct

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

do you think that this will work?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not so fast, fellow sellers.

There is gotta be a hidden agenda and I bet we will be played by this agenda once again.

Perhaps our feedback will be used to justify mass layoff. Labor laws in India and China where the hiring entity resides may require such evidence of complaints before laying off.

Maybe our feedback will be used on "improving" the support AI and more than likely diversify canned messages to get us thinking it may not be an AI named Mohammad, Anthony, or Jim.

It's a shame the level of seller support has tanked over the years.

Novice/Chinese sellers inquire the obvious to waste support resources, unhappy employees, poorly designed AI, recent graduates who have no idea what they're dealing with call themselves Leadership Team... there are just too many variables to solve this problem.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why Amazon don't teach buyers to leave FEEDBACKS ? Must buyers don't know how to do it ! We need more feedbacks. !

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Great - so venting before finished helps to lower my blood pressure and when they see I have rated them 'incompetent' I can know that my case will find a black hole to disappear into..

If you just read the comments/pleas for help in the forums you would already know that there are significant issues that have yet to be resolved and still nothing changes

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Great - so venting before finished helps to lower my blood pressure and when they see I have rated them 'incompetent' I can know that my case will find a black hole to disappear into..

If you just read the comments/pleas for help in the forums you would already know that there are significant issues that have yet to be resolved and still nothing changes

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I sell on Amazon since many years and rarely I got support. Often a waste of time and money at the phone - with stops and NO solutions, just stops, from people untrained and unprofessional, whom never sold on Amazon, so they do not know.

And when you write to Support will answer you Jim, you will replay to Jim and will answer you Mohammed (whom understood nothing), so you will explain again the problem to Mohammed and will answer you Antony (whom understood something else), so you will re explain to Antony and will answer to you Rosy, and so on. And each one asked me a feedback..... That is the "normal" routine.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I sell on Amazon since many years and rarely I got support. Often a waste of time and money at the phone - with stops and NO solutions, just stops, from people untrained and unprofessional, whom never sold on Amazon, so they do not know.

And when you write to Support will answer you Jim, you will replay to Jim and will answer you Mohammed (whom understood nothing), so you will explain again the problem to Mohammed and will answer you Antony (whom understood something else), so you will re explain to Antony and will answer to you Rosy, and so on. And each one asked me a feedback..... That is the "normal" routine.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Our suggestions were to hold inept support employees accountable and to get rid of bad policies. Sellers conclude (based on the same issues reoccurring thousands of times over) that Amazon does not properly train its employees and they do not hold them accountable. If we saw tangible evidence of our cases being handled correctly and quickly the first time we would all assume that there was accountability and the "reviews" we do on the support employees actually mattered.

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Based on the suggestions from sellers like you
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Our suggestions were to hold inept support employees accountable and to get rid of bad policies. Sellers conclude (based on the same issues reoccurring thousands of times over) that Amazon does not properly train its employees and they do not hold them accountable. If we saw tangible evidence of our cases being handled correctly and quickly the first time we would all assume that there was accountability and the "reviews" we do on the support employees actually mattered.

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Based on the suggestions from sellers like you
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

"Now provide more often feedback"? Great, now the semi-literates in support are writing your news?

What employers are looking for with feedback of this nature is a way of assessing employees by making their customers do the labor of employee evaluations. What Amazon doesn't understand is that much of the frustration stems from policy that doesn't match practice, lack of training/incentive for staff, undisclosed changes to the platform (how often have you been the one telling support how the platform actually works, rather than the other way around?) , catch-22's, inability to escalate to someone who can do something about a problem, and simple corporate pin-headedness. When we say "this sux" we often mean the employer, not the hapless employee making $1/hr with no training or incentives, working in their second language.

Here's a big 0-star feedback for choosing to outsource your support to the cheapest/worst possible option, then pretending that we theoretically have the recourse promised in the TOS because there's someone (totally useless) we can talk to.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

"Now provide more often feedback"? Great, now the semi-literates in support are writing your news?

What employers are looking for with feedback of this nature is a way of assessing employees by making their customers do the labor of employee evaluations. What Amazon doesn't understand is that much of the frustration stems from policy that doesn't match practice, lack of training/incentive for staff, undisclosed changes to the platform (how often have you been the one telling support how the platform actually works, rather than the other way around?) , catch-22's, inability to escalate to someone who can do something about a problem, and simple corporate pin-headedness. When we say "this sux" we often mean the employer, not the hapless employee making $1/hr with no training or incentives, working in their second language.

Here's a big 0-star feedback for choosing to outsource your support to the cheapest/worst possible option, then pretending that we theoretically have the recourse promised in the TOS because there's someone (totally useless) we can talk to.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This doesn't help those sellers who gave up completely on "Seller Support" after long strings of complete failure. I don't want more granularity in reviewing those giving me reams of random cut-and-paste answers and plain wrong advice. I want well trained help that actually have the tools to solve problems. That has not occurred in a long time.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

This doesn't help those sellers who gave up completely on "Seller Support" after long strings of complete failure. I don't want more granularity in reviewing those giving me reams of random cut-and-paste answers and plain wrong advice. I want well trained help that actually have the tools to solve problems. That has not occurred in a long time.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

amazon seller support is based on AI !!!

so when congress will ask them that ?

? % of support is based on AI ? vs actual human you will know that I'm correct

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

amazon seller support is based on AI !!!

so when congress will ask them that ?

? % of support is based on AI ? vs actual human you will know that I'm correct

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

do you think that this will work?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

do you think that this will work?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not so fast, fellow sellers.

There is gotta be a hidden agenda and I bet we will be played by this agenda once again.

Perhaps our feedback will be used to justify mass layoff. Labor laws in India and China where the hiring entity resides may require such evidence of complaints before laying off.

Maybe our feedback will be used on "improving" the support AI and more than likely diversify canned messages to get us thinking it may not be an AI named Mohammad, Anthony, or Jim.

It's a shame the level of seller support has tanked over the years.

Novice/Chinese sellers inquire the obvious to waste support resources, unhappy employees, poorly designed AI, recent graduates who have no idea what they're dealing with call themselves Leadership Team... there are just too many variables to solve this problem.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Not so fast, fellow sellers.

There is gotta be a hidden agenda and I bet we will be played by this agenda once again.

Perhaps our feedback will be used to justify mass layoff. Labor laws in India and China where the hiring entity resides may require such evidence of complaints before laying off.

Maybe our feedback will be used on "improving" the support AI and more than likely diversify canned messages to get us thinking it may not be an AI named Mohammad, Anthony, or Jim.

It's a shame the level of seller support has tanked over the years.

Novice/Chinese sellers inquire the obvious to waste support resources, unhappy employees, poorly designed AI, recent graduates who have no idea what they're dealing with call themselves Leadership Team... there are just too many variables to solve this problem.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why Amazon don't teach buyers to leave FEEDBACKS ? Must buyers don't know how to do it ! We need more feedbacks. !

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Why Amazon don't teach buyers to leave FEEDBACKS ? Must buyers don't know how to do it ! We need more feedbacks. !

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