Order ID: # 112-3005295-9567420
Purchase date: Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 6:46 PM PST
Shipped with UPS Signature Required
First Scan - 02/13/2025, 9:17 P.M. (From UPS)
Delivered and Signed - 02/14/2025, 12:34 P.M. (From UPS)
Customer messaged you
February 16, 2025
You messaged the customer
February 17, 2025
Customer messaged you
February 20, 2025
You messaged the customer
February 20, 2025
Customer messaged you
February 20, 2025
You messaged the customer
February 21, 2025
A to Z Claim date: February 27, 2025 (Granted in favor of buyer)
Contacted UPS and received copy of signature for Appeal
A to Z Appeal: Mar 1, 2025 (Denied in favor of buyer)
A to Z Reply: The customer reported an issue with delivery. In this case, the tracking information indicates delivered, but the customer did not receive the package. Because you provided sufficient information that proves order was actually received by the customer, we will not count the claim against your Order Defect Rate.
Now we are out the money approx $700 and without the product?
How do we escalate this to an actual human instead of the AI bots that can't read?
Can any mods help out?
Hello @Seller_WsyKFc5x8N2uw- and thanks for highlighting this situation and for including the Order ID so I could take a closer look from my end.
As I review, I do not see that Amazon Buy Shipping was used, which does offer certain protections against Item Not Received claims from customers. I did want to let you know I have surfaced this dispute over the matching of the signatures to the owning team to understand if any further recourse is available, since it may be possible that an incorrect recipient signed for the shipment, and your customer never received the item.
I'll be sure to tag you in this thread as I receive any response on my escalation, but please allow several business days for this review to be completed.