A-Z claim refunded full order when only one item from the order was returned!?
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A-Z claim refunded full order when only one item from the order was returned!?


Is there anyone from Amazon that can help with an A-Z that has been lost? The customer made an order for several items, created a return for just one item from the order, returned just that one item using Amazons label and then claimed they sent the whole order back. I have photo's showing that we only received one item and no further tracking information for any other returns. Yet Amazon has still granted the A-Z claim and refunded the full order.

I have appealed the decision but Amazon have 'decided to uphold their original decision'. I feel like they have not even read the response I gave them.

Seller-funded: Aug 23

Order Defect Rate (ODR) impacted: Yes

Appeal by: Sep 22

Order ID: 114-5062571-6584241

4 replies
Tags:A to Z Claims, Customer, Refunds
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I could really do with some help with this. The case does not provide me with an option to re-appeal the A-Z!!

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Hello @Seller_TqMLBGnotNrZo,

Thank you for utilizing the forums and sharing all of the information for your issue.

Please allow me to review your case and I will post here any of the findings.

Thank you,


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