A to Z claim FedEx package not covered
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A to Z claim FedEx package not covered

My claim was denied, counted against metrics, and I was told to file a claim with FedEx directly. I provided all the evidence that I shipped on time, and my package shows as still on the way (lost as it has been a long time). I cannot file directly because I used Amazon buy shipping. This is not the first package that has been denied. All FedEx tracking doesn't show tracking history through Amazon, but it does it on their website. This seems to be the excuse to deny the cases in the first place. Please, I need help with this. We are a small business and losing money with these unjust denials.

Order number: 113-1385456-0521840

FedEx tracking number: 286155586320

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Tags:A to Z Claims
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I understand your frustration regarding the AtoZ . Amazon requires buyers to contact sellers and allow 48 hours for a response before submitting a claim. If the buyer did not reach out to you prior to submitting the claim, you have a strong basis for an appeal. Provide all required information and evidence to support your case. Remember, appeals must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the claim decision.

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