DAC7 Seller Help want to me submit personal info not business info
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DAC7 Seller Help want to me submit personal info not business info

So, like many European sellers I have been struggling with the DAC7 info form. Amazon clearly changed some things making it difficult for us.

In September I noticed the DAC7 info needed to be resubmitted. Fine, no problem. It showed my personal name, not business name, but reconfirming my business info under account fixed that. My VAT number could not be verified, two cases later and an internal team confirmed my VAT number and I submitted the info early October.

November 20th I noticed that the DAC7 info had to be submitted again. VAT number seems to have stuck, but the personal info instead of the business info came back. Another two cases later, maybe three, and now Seller Help is claiming they want my personal tax info for the DAC7, not the business, and want me to submit under my personal name, not business name, because I am a sole proprietorship. This would seem highly misleading to the consumer, since the legal entity they are dealing with is not me, it's my business.

Anyone else dealing with this? Do I do what they want, even though that would be misleading, and maybe changes the public info on seller pages and such?

Everything under account info is correct, VAT number is correct and verified under account info (which is was before also, but never mind).

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because I am a sole proprietorship.
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As a sole proprietor you are an INDIVIDUAL, for your tax authorities, for Amazon and for everybody. It's not that you ARE a business (like IS a company) but that you HAVE a business. Big difference.

How do you pay your tax? Is this your "Business name" only, or together with your private name?

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the legal entity they are dealing with is not me, it's my business.

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The legal entity is your private name and I hope for you that in your account settings you did put it like this otherwise you will have problems when the next reverification is coming.

Your bank account, what name does it have on? Probably NOT your "business name" isn't it?

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If you put your VAT number in VIES, what is coming out? Your private name or your "business name"

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Since those are EUROPEAN regulations, I believe you confound some things. A European country can not have different VAT rules than another. I recommend you do further reasearch about the issue. You can also change the country here on top and ask in the Dutch forum, they will know better than here in the US forum.

I am sure that all your problems are coming from the fact that as your "Legal entity" you put everywhere "your business" and not your private name. that's why

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the personal info instead of the business info came back.
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At the end of the day: does it have to bother you if you put your private name in this DAC7 file for Amazon? Who cares?

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