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ASIN wrongly put into review - Erratic Behaviour of Amazon

I know many sellers will relate to my recent experience with Amazon. I have been selling on Amazon for the past five months, with my inventory fulfilled by Amazon. During this time, I have invested heavily in Amazon ads to launch and grow my product, even enduring a high ACOS to establish ranking. Through persistence, I built my product’s visibility, earned repeat customers, and finally started seeing steady organic sales.

Then, out of nowhere, Amazon wrongfully put my product into review for allegedly violating Amazon restricted policy. My product is general normal Black Tea, which the entire world drinks. It has no additional flavourings or additives, unlike so many other offerings in the same category. I am just a small business trying to sell good drinkable tea.

I had a rating of 4.8 from 5 customers (2 vine reviews, 3 verified purchase review). Atleast the vine review, which is administered by Amazon itself should validate my product's legitimacy and customer satisfaction. Do these reviews mean nothing? If Amazon had concerns about my product, why was it allowed to sell for five months? Why was I allowed to invest thousands in ads to grow it, only to have it suddenly taken down now?

To make matters worse, my next shipment is already en route to replenish inventory. Now, I am left with lost sales, stranded inventory, and increasing storage costs for unsellable stock. Will Amazon compensate me for this loss? Of course not.

This raises a much bigger question—is Amazon Global Sales even a reliable platform for sellers looking to expand internationally? Because Amazon’s erratic enforcement can arbitrarily shut down any legitimate product, and strand its entire inventory in a foreign country—just like they did with mine.

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ASIN wrongly put into review - Erratic Behaviour of Amazon

I know many sellers will relate to my recent experience with Amazon. I have been selling on Amazon for the past five months, with my inventory fulfilled by Amazon. During this time, I have invested heavily in Amazon ads to launch and grow my product, even enduring a high ACOS to establish ranking. Through persistence, I built my product’s visibility, earned repeat customers, and finally started seeing steady organic sales.

Then, out of nowhere, Amazon wrongfully put my product into review for allegedly violating Amazon restricted policy. My product is general normal Black Tea, which the entire world drinks. It has no additional flavourings or additives, unlike so many other offerings in the same category. I am just a small business trying to sell good drinkable tea.

I had a rating of 4.8 from 5 customers (2 vine reviews, 3 verified purchase review). Atleast the vine review, which is administered by Amazon itself should validate my product's legitimacy and customer satisfaction. Do these reviews mean nothing? If Amazon had concerns about my product, why was it allowed to sell for five months? Why was I allowed to invest thousands in ads to grow it, only to have it suddenly taken down now?

To make matters worse, my next shipment is already en route to replenish inventory. Now, I am left with lost sales, stranded inventory, and increasing storage costs for unsellable stock. Will Amazon compensate me for this loss? Of course not.

This raises a much bigger question—is Amazon Global Sales even a reliable platform for sellers looking to expand internationally? Because Amazon’s erratic enforcement can arbitrarily shut down any legitimate product, and strand its entire inventory in a foreign country—just like they did with mine.

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ASIN wrongly put into review - Erratic Behaviour of Amazon

I know many sellers will relate to my recent experience with Amazon. I have been selling on Amazon for the past five months, with my inventory fulfilled by Amazon. During this time, I have invested heavily in Amazon ads to launch and grow my product, even enduring a high ACOS to establish ranking. Through persistence, I built my product’s visibility, earned repeat customers, and finally started seeing steady organic sales.

Then, out of nowhere, Amazon wrongfully put my product into review for allegedly violating Amazon restricted policy. My product is general normal Black Tea, which the entire world drinks. It has no additional flavourings or additives, unlike so many other offerings in the same category. I am just a small business trying to sell good drinkable tea.

I had a rating of 4.8 from 5 customers (2 vine reviews, 3 verified purchase review). Atleast the vine review, which is administered by Amazon itself should validate my product's legitimacy and customer satisfaction. Do these reviews mean nothing? If Amazon had concerns about my product, why was it allowed to sell for five months? Why was I allowed to invest thousands in ads to grow it, only to have it suddenly taken down now?

To make matters worse, my next shipment is already en route to replenish inventory. Now, I am left with lost sales, stranded inventory, and increasing storage costs for unsellable stock. Will Amazon compensate me for this loss? Of course not.

This raises a much bigger question—is Amazon Global Sales even a reliable platform for sellers looking to expand internationally? Because Amazon’s erratic enforcement can arbitrarily shut down any legitimate product, and strand its entire inventory in a foreign country—just like they did with mine.

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ASIN wrongly put into review - Erratic Behaviour of Amazon

I know many sellers will relate to my recent experience with Amazon. I have been selling on Amazon for the past five months, with my inventory fulfilled by Amazon. During this time, I have invested heavily in Amazon ads to launch and grow my product, even enduring a high ACOS to establish ranking. Through persistence, I built my product’s visibility, earned repeat customers, and finally started seeing steady organic sales.

Then, out of nowhere, Amazon wrongfully put my product into review for allegedly violating Amazon restricted policy. My product is general normal Black Tea, which the entire world drinks. It has no additional flavourings or additives, unlike so many other offerings in the same category. I am just a small business trying to sell good drinkable tea.

I had a rating of 4.8 from 5 customers (2 vine reviews, 3 verified purchase review). Atleast the vine review, which is administered by Amazon itself should validate my product's legitimacy and customer satisfaction. Do these reviews mean nothing? If Amazon had concerns about my product, why was it allowed to sell for five months? Why was I allowed to invest thousands in ads to grow it, only to have it suddenly taken down now?

To make matters worse, my next shipment is already en route to replenish inventory. Now, I am left with lost sales, stranded inventory, and increasing storage costs for unsellable stock. Will Amazon compensate me for this loss? Of course not.

This raises a much bigger question—is Amazon Global Sales even a reliable platform for sellers looking to expand internationally? Because Amazon’s erratic enforcement can arbitrarily shut down any legitimate product, and strand its entire inventory in a foreign country—just like they did with mine.

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ASIN wrongly put into review - Erratic Behaviour of Amazon

by Seller_wpH8fVEertZy8

I know many sellers will relate to my recent experience with Amazon. I have been selling on Amazon for the past five months, with my inventory fulfilled by Amazon. During this time, I have invested heavily in Amazon ads to launch and grow my product, even enduring a high ACOS to establish ranking. Through persistence, I built my product’s visibility, earned repeat customers, and finally started seeing steady organic sales.

Then, out of nowhere, Amazon wrongfully put my product into review for allegedly violating Amazon restricted policy. My product is general normal Black Tea, which the entire world drinks. It has no additional flavourings or additives, unlike so many other offerings in the same category. I am just a small business trying to sell good drinkable tea.

I had a rating of 4.8 from 5 customers (2 vine reviews, 3 verified purchase review). Atleast the vine review, which is administered by Amazon itself should validate my product's legitimacy and customer satisfaction. Do these reviews mean nothing? If Amazon had concerns about my product, why was it allowed to sell for five months? Why was I allowed to invest thousands in ads to grow it, only to have it suddenly taken down now?

To make matters worse, my next shipment is already en route to replenish inventory. Now, I am left with lost sales, stranded inventory, and increasing storage costs for unsellable stock. Will Amazon compensate me for this loss? Of course not.

This raises a much bigger question—is Amazon Global Sales even a reliable platform for sellers looking to expand internationally? Because Amazon’s erratic enforcement can arbitrarily shut down any legitimate product, and strand its entire inventory in a foreign country—just like they did with mine.

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