Since USPS went to the "Ground Advantage" shipping method that is supposedly "insured", we have noticed that if a package is lost or damaged, they have refused every claim so far this year. Not only are they refusing Ground Advantage, but now they deny every Priority Mail package too. One of the packages was sent back to us empty. So we placed a claim and sent a photo of the empty package. They then wanted a photo of the damage product, but there was no product because they lost it.
We're not talking about a ton of claims, we've had maybe 8-10 USPS claims since the beginning of the year. I'm just curious if anyone else has had any issues.
"Has anyone else had issues placing claims with USPS?"
Are you using Amazon Buy Shipping, or are you using your own postage service like Stamps or Pirate Ship?
i have had to do this once so far.
They do the Amazon thing: Deny a few times in hopes you will go away.
After the 2nd denial, I called them and they issued the check for $114 (total of insurance since I could prove the value was over $100) plus the shipping cost ($14).
We've been having the same issue...they want us to bring the package to the post office for inspection, when we do they ALWAYS claim that the manager isn't available and to leave the package, then they claim we never brought it in...we've lost thousands of dollars in merchandise thanks to this scam.
We have the same issue with UPS insurance claims when using Amazon shipping as well...they want us to upload proof of value but EVERY time we try to do that on the website it says there's a technical error, try later...
It has to be Amazon shipping, every carrier is denying every claim if the shipping was purchased on Amazon....or at least that's our experience the last year or so...
I have only had 1 Ground Advantage claim which was a DVD set that got crushed. I reached out to the buyer & asked for pictures when they opened a return, promised a prompt full refund if they sent pictures (I am used to dealing with u-pic). They did not respond & sent it back anyway without the packaging (I wrap DVD's in cardboard). I filed a SAFE-T & lost with 2 appeals--got a rep that didn't know/follow amazon policies. Filed a claim with USPS, got a letter that I had to bring the damaged in to PO for inspection. $26. item. By the time I found someone that knew what to do & they did their inspection it took about 1 1/2 hours. They kept the damaged DVD's. I just got a letter saying USPS is declining the claim because my amazon invoice is not proof of value--go figure? I have appealed & am waiting. How can USPS say that what an item was sold for is not proof of value?
I just had a similar situation but the buyer sent me pictures & I refunded. I did file a claim but expect it to get declined since I won't be able to produce the damaged item. I only have about 3 or 4 damaged items a year so I would probably be better off just putting the premium in a cookie jar but I normally only insure items over $35., if I am using Ground Advantage, Priority or UPS I normally declare the value if it is above $20. which I had in both cases I have claims on.
My takeaway--which I also told the USPS Supervisor I dealt with is that IF I want to insure an item & I have to I will use a more expensive/slower service that allows me to buy my insurance through u-pic.
IF amazon would allow me to I would like to decline the Ground Advantage free insurance in ALL cases because it is worthless. I only buy my shipping through amazon EXCEPT in a case where amazon tells me I can only use a more expensive shipping method in which case I buy my shipping through PayPal. I ship everything the cheapest way possible.
We have a 90% deny rate for claims for GA
I think they settled 1 claim for a lost package, dont bother filing for an i didnt get it claim
my last 2 usps claims i had to appeal twice before they got approved. both were inr claims, and one showed no delivery scans. the other clearly showed delivery a few houses down. when that one happened we tried to get usps to go get the package and the carrier refused. .they admitted they had delivered it wrong but 'felt unsafe' asking the resident to return the package that didnt belong to them. it was MAILBOX stickers no less customized to their neighbors address... who keeps something like that? lol. anyways. 2 appeals later on both and i got paid by usps. they denied the initial claim and first appeal... dont give up.
yes they are challenging, they offer free coverage up to $100 and almost always refuse to pay
Use your own shipping service and confirm the shipment for merchant fulfilled orders, Amazon will always get the refund since they are the middle man.
USPS claims is throwing darts in the dark, there is little chance you will get anything and if you do its a miracle
Please BUY Amazon Shipping.
My life was upside down with the USPS, not scanning packages, not delivered on time, lost packages and finally Amazon said to buy shipping & my life is better for taking their advice.
I have read on forums that it works for some and doesn't for others but if you just weigh and measure package correctly youu will have no problem.
I did have a woman the other day say she hasn't received her package & I gave a refund & promised to send her a free book. It went really smooth.
The USPS do not on Holidays & Special Occasions, to mean it meant everyday of the week, lol!
Good luck & Please you may not like the advice Amazon gives a lot of the time but this does work at least for me.
Good Luck Again!