Read onlyThe Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is an agreement all sellers who want to sell on Amazon must agree to in order to sell in Amazon’s store. It sets out the rights and obligations for Amazon and sellers doing business in our store, and also incorporates Amazon’s selling policies that sellers should abide by throughout their time selling in our store. You can find these selling policies listed on Program Policies help page: Program Policies.
Section 3 of the BSA outlines the conditions under which Amazon may terminate a seller’s account. When Amazon terminates a seller’s account, we send the seller a notification informing them of the reasons why their account was terminated, including the specific seller policy that was violated, and what steps the seller needs to take if the seller disagrees with Amazon’s decision. In most cases, sellers can appeal an account enforcement by providing evidence that Amazon’s enforcement was incorrect, or that the seller has otherwise modified their businesses practices to address the policy violation, in order for their account to be reinstated. However, Amazon has zero tolerance for bad actors in our store. If Amazon finds evidence that a seller account has been used to engage in deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity, we will no longer do business with that account.
If you’ve received a notification that your account is deactivated, we encourage you to refer to the performance communication to identify the issue(s) that led to account deactivation, review the relevant selling policy or policies referenced, and follow the appeal steps outlined.
Amazon is here to help. If after reviewing the performance communication you still have questions about the reasons for deactivation or what steps you need to take, please contact AHS.