FBA Removal dues
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FBA Removal dues

I'm losing too much money because I'm a beginner in Amazon FBA selling. However I ordered inventory removal. I founded myself can not pay for inventory removal and also I have dues on my account that I can not pay right now. Any solution please?

6 replies
6 replies
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"I'm losing too much money because I'm a beginner in Amazon FBA selling."

NO, you are losing money because you failed to study Amazon and all the fees and costs BEFORE you jumped in the river.

Lower your selling prices to a level where the items will actually sell. That will get rid of storage fees more quickly.

"I have dues on my account that I can not pay right now."

First, they are NOT 'dues' they are FEES and Amazon has lots of them.

One way or another, Amazon WILL get paid so do whatever you need to do to get rid of whatever you have in their warehouses as fast as possible.

It IS going to cost you more money.

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First of all, if you are on the Pro plan, downgrade to Individual. This will save the $39.99 monthly fee.

Then either reduce the prices on your products to get them to sell (don't worry about a profit; you need them gone), or find the money somehow to get it removed. Doing nothing will only increase the amount of money that you are losing.

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In addition to the replies above I'm also going to link the FBA Liquidations help page in case it's applicable to OP here.


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