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Quick Tip: Product Description

When buying online I like finding out as much information as I can about a product. Informative product descriptions have influenced my buying decisions.

A product description displays general information about the product. As you describe your product, you might want to include some key features listed in your bullet points. However, go beyond a simple to-the-point description. Well-written product descriptions help the customer imagine the experience of owning or handling your product. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes: what would they want to feel, touch, think, want? Incorporating information about the feel, usage and benefits of your product can fire the customer’s imagination. This is as close as you can come to creating an in-store experience.

Here are some tips for writing good product descriptions:

  • Use this field to fully describe the item and differentiate it from other similar products.
  • Describe the unique characteristics of the product with the brand, the material, the cut, the model number.
  • Use simple language based on the official information provided by the manufacturer.
  • Use correct grammar and complete sentences, not lists.
  • Include accurate dimensions, care instructions.
  • Keep it short, but include critical information.

Do not use HTML, DHTML, JavaScript or other types of code in your product detail pages. As a special case, you can use line breaks (</br>) as necessary in the description.

The Product page style guide has more tips of how achieve great product pages.

Have you seen any interesting or funny product descriptions in the Amazon catalogue?

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Quick Tip: Product Description

When buying online I like finding out as much information as I can about a product. Informative product descriptions have influenced my buying decisions.

A product description displays general information about the product. As you describe your product, you might want to include some key features listed in your bullet points. However, go beyond a simple to-the-point description. Well-written product descriptions help the customer imagine the experience of owning or handling your product. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes: what would they want to feel, touch, think, want? Incorporating information about the feel, usage and benefits of your product can fire the customer’s imagination. This is as close as you can come to creating an in-store experience.

Here are some tips for writing good product descriptions:

  • Use this field to fully describe the item and differentiate it from other similar products.
  • Describe the unique characteristics of the product with the brand, the material, the cut, the model number.
  • Use simple language based on the official information provided by the manufacturer.
  • Use correct grammar and complete sentences, not lists.
  • Include accurate dimensions, care instructions.
  • Keep it short, but include critical information.

Do not use HTML, DHTML, JavaScript or other types of code in your product detail pages. As a special case, you can use line breaks (</br>) as necessary in the description.

The Product page style guide has more tips of how achieve great product pages.

Have you seen any interesting or funny product descriptions in the Amazon catalogue?

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Quick Tip: Product Description

When buying online I like finding out as much information as I can about a product. Informative product descriptions have influenced my buying decisions.

A product description displays general information about the product. As you describe your product, you might want to include some key features listed in your bullet points. However, go beyond a simple to-the-point description. Well-written product descriptions help the customer imagine the experience of owning or handling your product. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes: what would they want to feel, touch, think, want? Incorporating information about the feel, usage and benefits of your product can fire the customer’s imagination. This is as close as you can come to creating an in-store experience.

Here are some tips for writing good product descriptions:

  • Use this field to fully describe the item and differentiate it from other similar products.
  • Describe the unique characteristics of the product with the brand, the material, the cut, the model number.
  • Use simple language based on the official information provided by the manufacturer.
  • Use correct grammar and complete sentences, not lists.
  • Include accurate dimensions, care instructions.
  • Keep it short, but include critical information.

Do not use HTML, DHTML, JavaScript or other types of code in your product detail pages. As a special case, you can use line breaks (</br>) as necessary in the description.

The Product page style guide has more tips of how achieve great product pages.

Have you seen any interesting or funny product descriptions in the Amazon catalogue?

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Quick Tip: Product Description

When buying online I like finding out as much information as I can about a product. Informative product descriptions have influenced my buying decisions.

A product description displays general information about the product. As you describe your product, you might want to include some key features listed in your bullet points. However, go beyond a simple to-the-point description. Well-written product descriptions help the customer imagine the experience of owning or handling your product. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes: what would they want to feel, touch, think, want? Incorporating information about the feel, usage and benefits of your product can fire the customer’s imagination. This is as close as you can come to creating an in-store experience.

Here are some tips for writing good product descriptions:

  • Use this field to fully describe the item and differentiate it from other similar products.
  • Describe the unique characteristics of the product with the brand, the material, the cut, the model number.
  • Use simple language based on the official information provided by the manufacturer.
  • Use correct grammar and complete sentences, not lists.
  • Include accurate dimensions, care instructions.
  • Keep it short, but include critical information.

Do not use HTML, DHTML, JavaScript or other types of code in your product detail pages. As a special case, you can use line breaks (</br>) as necessary in the description.

The Product page style guide has more tips of how achieve great product pages.

Have you seen any interesting or funny product descriptions in the Amazon catalogue?

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Quick Tip: Product Description

by Jessica_Amazon_

When buying online I like finding out as much information as I can about a product. Informative product descriptions have influenced my buying decisions.

A product description displays general information about the product. As you describe your product, you might want to include some key features listed in your bullet points. However, go beyond a simple to-the-point description. Well-written product descriptions help the customer imagine the experience of owning or handling your product. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes: what would they want to feel, touch, think, want? Incorporating information about the feel, usage and benefits of your product can fire the customer’s imagination. This is as close as you can come to creating an in-store experience.

Here are some tips for writing good product descriptions:

  • Use this field to fully describe the item and differentiate it from other similar products.
  • Describe the unique characteristics of the product with the brand, the material, the cut, the model number.
  • Use simple language based on the official information provided by the manufacturer.
  • Use correct grammar and complete sentences, not lists.
  • Include accurate dimensions, care instructions.
  • Keep it short, but include critical information.

Do not use HTML, DHTML, JavaScript or other types of code in your product detail pages. As a special case, you can use line breaks (</br>) as necessary in the description.

The Product page style guide has more tips of how achieve great product pages.

Have you seen any interesting or funny product descriptions in the Amazon catalogue?

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what about getting amazon seller robots training, so they can actually do something usefull

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what about getting amazon seller robots training, so they can actually do something usefull

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what about getting amazon seller robots training, so they can actually do something usefull

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